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Everything posted by Ozbro

  1. While looking through the forums, Dr. Bruno Pinto name's popped up. I know he has amazing reviews in the community, but was wondering if anyone knows about his results for NW6/NW7 cases?
  2. Thanks for these great recommendations! I'm just amazed by how active this community is @Fox243 I have looked into Zarev before, but it seems like there's already a long queue for the guy, so I'll have to wait a couple of years for my turn (I've tried and I couldn't even get a consultation). Pittella might be a good option, but I'm a bit concerned about giga sessions (heard it isn't the most efficient way for HT), and being an NW6, I want to save every graft that I can. @mr_peanutbutter I appreciate you sharing the more economical options, but as you mentioned, I would rather not be stuck with the sub-optimal results. I guess I better save more for another year and go for the best one (Pittella perhaps?)
  3. I'm in my late 20s and already NW6. I started losing my hair in my early 20s and to get over the stress of a balding head, I decided to shave off my hair and go bald style. That turned out to be a big mistake, as I didn't track the progression of hair recession, and without realizing it, I had already approached NW6 bald. During this period, I went for PRP treatments and used Minoxidil spray but it didn't help much with the hair recession. I came across this forum last year in my search for hair transplant advice after giving up on non-surgical solutions, and after looking around, Eugenix seems to be dominating the space for high-density hair transplant cases. So a few months back, I reached out to the clinic for consultation and was advised to go through 3 treatments (1st one for the front and mid-scalp [3500 grafts], 2nd one for the crown, and the last one for density). But the issue is that being a Pakistani national, it's really hard to get a visa for India, even a single time, let alone 3 times (Eugenix clinic also warned me about it), and if I can help it, I would want to avoid any extra stress on top of hair transplant surgery when I'm getting the procedure done. So now I'm looking for options other than Eugenix, preferably in Turkey but I would be fine with other places too, and was wondering if any member can provide some good recommendations for clinics that are experienced in handling NW6 cases.
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