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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. I had about 2000 units placed on the 13th of July. While most of the grafts are on top within my existing hair, there is still quite a bit in the front of my scalp in a v-shape which cannot be hidden. So far most of the blood scabs are still there but it appears that some of them may be falling off, it is hard to tell. It also appears that the new hair is growing because it feels very spiky and stiff. I know that these donor hairs will eventually fall out but I keep hearing different things, from a couple of weeks to several months. I have even been told that eventually they will all fall out and I will look almost pre-op with no hair there at all (which is what I have "normally" looked like for so long that there is a part of me that longs for that feeling of familiarity.) Does this make sense to anyone or am I just going through some "buyer's remorse" that nobody else there can relate to??? I have looked into this procedure for a long time and feel very comfortable with my choice of doctors after seeing his work and speaking with several of his patients. I don't feel comfortable walking around without a baseball cap and don't know when that might change. How have any of you out there handled this? As you can see, I need some advice here. How do you walk around with your head held high when that very head looks so different than it did one week ago? Looking forward to any insight you may have.
  2. I had about 2000 units placed on the 13th of July. While most of the grafts are on top within my existing hair, there is still quite a bit in the front of my scalp in a v-shape which cannot be hidden. So far most of the blood scabs are still there but it appears that some of them may be falling off, it is hard to tell. It also appears that the new hair is growing because it feels very spiky and stiff. I know that these donor hairs will eventually fall out but I keep hearing different things, from a couple of weeks to several months. I have even been told that eventually they will all fall out and I will look almost pre-op with no hair there at all (which is what I have "normally" looked like for so long that there is a part of me that longs for that feeling of familiarity.) Does this make sense to anyone or am I just going through some "buyer's remorse" that nobody else there can relate to??? I have looked into this procedure for a long time and feel very comfortable with my choice of doctors after seeing his work and speaking with several of his patients. I don't feel comfortable walking around without a baseball cap and don't know when that might change. How have any of you out there handled this? As you can see, I need some advice here. How do you walk around with your head held high when that very head looks so different than it did one week ago? Looking forward to any insight you may have.
  3. I would like to hear some honest opinions on the following topic: How awkward is the post-operative stage? It seems that the results are great after one year but what happens until then? Is it really odd to walk around with tiny little hairs poking out of your scalp on your hairline? Is there anyway to hide it, or do you just ignore the stares thinking "I know it will get better, oh God I hope it will get better!?!"
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