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Everything posted by Jamie_Finndust

  1. Thanks for taking the time to write this; I really appreciate it. Im going to keep my photos off the internet for now as Im very private with that sort of thing; even blurred/cropped. I appreciate that this will limit the level of advice I can receive
  2. Ok no worries; I dont feel comfortable posting photos. Feel free to not comment if you need to see them. For others out there, if you have an opinion on donor hair being harvested, without consideration made of a specific safe zone (due to a pattern of slowing but possibly not stabilized norwood 6 hair loss), it would be interesting hear your thoughts Jamie
  3. Thanks Kiwik. I feel that my hair receding hasnt 100% stabilised, although it has definitely slowed down. In saying that, I wouldn’t be surprised if in the next 5-10 years i was to become more bald. This is why I am concerned about hair being taken from areas that may be more likely to be still affected by DHT. Jamie
  4. I (44yo male) have been in touch with a HR clinic (one recommended from this site) with the aim to restore as much as possible of my Norwood 6 pattern of hair loss. Ive been given an estimate of 5750 grafts to achieve a full coverage with a density estimated to be between 25/30 and 35/40 FU/cm. This includes 3000 scalp grafts. Im interested to hear peoples opinions regarding: 1. the final density (im caucasian, with medium thickness scalp hair and a medium/thick beard) and if we will be able to achieve a satisfactory illusion of density; or if my hairline will still look like Im thinning /balding 2. Im open to taking fin for the proceeding and successive months of my surgery; however would like to not stay on it permanently. Also, as Ive never been on that med before; I do not know if i would need to stop early due to side effects. Im aware that fin would prevent hair loss of non-safe zone hair. When ive asked about my safe zone; Ive been told that follicles will be taken from all over my scalp and that given my age and extent of hair loss, that my remaining hair should be in large considered safe (pending an in person examination of scalp condition; miniaturisation etc). If I cant take fin; and my transplanted hair contains DHT receptors; having the procedure seems pointless. How does this explanation of where the hair will be taken from sit with you all? Many thanks. Jamie
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