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  1. @baddecisions i'd say my hair is quite short, about 2 gaurd cut recently. It's somewhat possible to see the donor sites if its very short, but if its grown out from a 2 gaurd for even a week, it's hard to tell. @Al - Moderator that's true, i do think it looks a bit un-natural, but too be quite honest, no one's ever really commented on it, and as a whole, it just looks so nice I don't think any lay person actually notices. @Chrisno I'd agreed, for the price, the time, and the short distance from USA, I think it was all worth the trip. Honestly, no regrets at all.
  2. My apologies for the late response to everyone on this page. Here is my progression about 11 months out from surgery. It has been a fantastic experience and I have a full set of hair. I am super happy with the results
  3. Thanks for your input! I'll for sure be updating pictures as my progress continue.
  4. Hey everyone, I just wanted to share my experience with Dr. Yeimy Alvarez in Barranquilla, Columbia. Attached are my pre op, post op day 0, day 1, day 2, and day 8 photos. Overall, I have been very impressed with everything Dr. Alvarez and her team has done. To start, customer service has been phenomenal from reaching out to them regarding their consultation, their responsiveness, and ability to answer all my questions within a timely manner. I opted to go with Dr. Alvarez because of the reviews I saw online and on her social media. Her cost(~$5000/flat rate), scheduling availability, and the fact she only does 1 surgery a day(does all the incisions - technicians help with the graft implantation), made me comfortable to choose her. After booking an appointment and depositing a $500 scheduling reservation, I was ready for the surgery. The day prior to surgery, I got labwork done for HIV/COVID and has a preop meeting with Dr. Alvarez herself. We went over the type of hairline I was looking into, the grafts needed, medications preop/postop, and everything in between. The day of the surgery we finally drew out the new hairline and talked about the shape, density, and how I opted for a more natural hairline like the one i had in the past(showed her many pictures when I was younger of my previous hairline). Afterwards, we started the anesthesia and I was asleep for the majority of the surgery(9AM-4:30pm). I started to awaken during the last 2 hours and felt little to no pain as they were completing their implantation. Afterwards, I was treated to a nice dinner and chauffeured back to my hotel with instructions on how to take care of my scalp. The next 2 days I stayed in Barranquilla to ensure proper post-op care was applied and has daily washings, LLLP(laser therapy), and on the last day had a exit meeting with Dr. Alvarez regarding the surgery, and any questions I had before I left. This has been one the best experiences so far I cannot be happier. Aside from the surgery itself which was phenomenal, the customer service from her team was also top notch. She has 1-2 technicians who speak English fairly well and can communicate with me without any issues. Furthermore, they has a private chauffer to picked me up to the airport and drove me to/from the clinic, hotel, and other areas of the city for sightseeing and food. I am only post op day 8, but, from where I am currently at I am impressed at her work and her team. Additionally, if anyone is looking at the postop day 1 pictures, could you please comment on what your thoughts are on the density. Thank you all.
  5. Hey @Jnass, Sorry to hear about such a bad experience you have had. But has @BeHappy as said also, I don't believe your hairline is that bad at all, minor tweaking and it'll look pretty good. The only thing I would say is your midscalp does look a bit bare, and it was ashame that she didn't touch that spot to help add some density there. But, there are some things to consider as well. In the first surgery you had with her, it was focused on the hairline and extracting enough grafts to make it normal. I'd say there was a possibility of either not enough grafts, the fact that your body may be strongly resistant to any DHT therapy, or both. Either way the results were not what you wanted. Throughout the second procedure, it sucks to hear that she didn't listen to your directions(if it was indeed agreed upon on both parties to touch up mainly the midscalp). But there could have honestly be a possibility here that she just didn't have enough grafts extracted to justify a foreseeable possible unhappy customer at the midscalp, albiet it wasn't the result you wanted anyways. I really do hope it all can turn out for the better and I'm wish you the best of luck. I wanted to post on here as well because I JUST RECENTLY got my FUE HT by Dr. Yeimy Alvarez, and am on day 1 post op. I am currently VERY SATISFIED with my results, but just as Jnass initially was as well, only time will tell. I'm sorry to hear about your experience. I'll post a full experience I've had with her once I get my pre and post pictures from them sometime tomorrow. Until then, I just hope this doesn't dissuade anyone from completely distrusting her because I personally felt like I had a really good experience(thus far) with her and her entire team. Of course, Jnass did as well, until the results didn't occur. So only time will tell.
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