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Everything posted by Sickog

  1. Wow thank you so much for informative. Which country would you say is best right now? I’m sure they’re all very good but just your opinion.
  2. Just turned 25, been on oral finasteride for 3 years. Don’t have the greatest service to upload pics but there’s some on my profile from a past thread if you can see them. I don’t have a bad hairline people tell me but I wanna get a transplant to even it out a bit
  3. Open to other suggestions. Don’t have problem spending but would like to get most bang for my buck if possible. Thanks!
  4. You’re probably right, I have never had a straight hairline as long as I can remember. It would just be nice for once to have one haha.
  5. Yes I can, any reason as to not have wet hair? That’s the best way I can expose my whole hairline with my cowlicks lol
  6. Hi everyone, I’m new to this site but would like some insight. I’m 24 years old, I’ve been on oral finasteride since 21. I’ve never had thinning, but hopped on finasteride to prevent any further recesssion. Most people on tressless (reddit) including my hair surgeon doc tell me I don’t need a transplant. However, I would like to get one. And I’m sure there’s other doctors out there that would okay a transplant as I’ve seen 22 year olds get them not saying that’s recommended but lol. My hair is very dense all over including the hairline, I just hate my hairline. How many grafts do you guys think I’d need sense everyone seems to dismiss this? And also what Norwood level would you say I’m at? I feel like I’m about a 2-2.5. Thanks!
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