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Everything posted by 2legit2quit

  1. Just got my hair transplant 4 days ago with Dr. Laorwong. Let me know what you think! The reviews on here are accurate about the experience. The staff is friendly and tomorrow will be my last day getting my hair washed and LLT. Would recommend staying the additional 5 days afterwards for the cleaning and LLT!
  2. Out of these options which doctor/clinic would be the safest choice for a hairline reconstruction (my estimated grafts needed have been around 1700-2200) - HLC - Dr Yaman - Dr Laorwong - Dr Turan These pics are recent, I have also been on Finasteride and Minoxidil for about 9 months so I have had a lot of hair growth back but my hairline isn’t growing, just baby hairs. I also will be continuing the meds after the transplant, but I only want to use these meds if I’m actually gnna be seeing hair growth back on the hairline which I haven’t so that’s why I have decided on a transplant.
  3. @A_4_Archan what airport did you fly into for Laorwong and also what hotel? The only thing holding me off from Laorwong is that the flight is an extra 1k than going to turkey (flying in from the states) and also having to find transportation and a hotel out there just seems more stressful than these other clinics that have the hotel and driver included. But I do like Laorwongs work though so still deciding.
  4. So I’ve only gotten a response back from Dr Laorwong, Dr Yaman, & Dr. Gur/Turan and I could get in with these doctors this summer. I’ve been on minoxidil and finasteride for about 9 months now and have seen some growth but my hairline hasn’t really been growing in, just baby hairs. I’m about a Norwood 2 and would just need the hairline reconstructed, I’m going to hold off on the crown and continue to use the meds for that area. I was hoping to get some advice from people who have experience with these doctors to help me narrow the list down and who you think designs the best natural hairline out of the 4, thank you! Also, how does my donor area look? I took this pic 2 weeks after getting a skin fade. And does it matter if I use topical minoxidil on my donor area? Would that have an effect if it’s hair that grew from the minoxidil is used for the hairline? Thanks.
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