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Everything posted by rjmccorm

  1. Hi there, I am excited to make the jump and save my hairline. I have been in contact with them and they seem very friendly, they offered a great price ($2500 usd) and I had a zoom call with one the nurses who was knowledgable. I am worried a bit that I do not see any hits on reddit other than what looks like paid promotion, and I cannot remember how I found them I believe it may have been Instagram. The doctors name are Dr. Miriam Garces Tejeda and Dr. Mario Garcia Carmona, both members of ISHRS. They say they have 18 years doing these procedures. I am wondering maybe they started a new clinic? If anyone has been here please let me know!!! Also, they are no frills, IE no hotel. I am worried maybe the after care is not as good, providing the products, and they did not mention PRP as other clinics have. I cannot travel to Turkey the flights from Canada are $3000 + so mexico is the better option. Any advice is great.
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