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Everything posted by Fabio69

  1. Agreed. I was actually looking forward to his videos. No other news from dr barghouthi.
  2. Update from the youtuber THEHAIRCHEMIST regarding his verteporfin FUT trial https://youtube.com/@TheHairChemist
  3. Agreed. @Melvin- Moderator, do you think you could get Dr Gary Linkov involved. If you got him involved. He could do both hair transplant with vert and healing wounds from plastic surgery using vert. 2 birds one stone.This is his work email at City Facial Plastics Email: info@cityfp.com Website: https://cityfacialplastics.com/contact/
  4. Should try and get Dr Gary Linkov involved, considering his big following
  5. It must be done straight after extraction but the first FUT verteporfin case is from a youtuber called THEHAIRCHEMIST. He will be documenting his results on youtube. Link to channel below.
  6. A one time injection right after extracting follicles using FUE or FUT. Lets hope we get a good amount of regrowth
  7. Hey melvin, Is there any more updates on the upcoming verteporfin trials/new trials happening
  8. In the 0.4 verteprofin FUE transplant, does anyone know what the percentage regrowth was. Was it 30%, 40%, etc.
  9. If someone could get her on board, i can create more posts on tressless, and the hair trasnplant forum on reddit and many people will be interested
  10. Yes, he is still doing trials in MAY. One of them being the youtuber called "THEHAIRCHEMIST" who is i think undergoing his FUT next week. He will document it on youtube
  11. Hey melvin, great work. I created some posts on reddit about surgeons who will want patients for verteporfin trials and hopefully more people are aware and are in contact
  12. https://folliclethought.com/updates/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/medicalxpress.com/news/2022-10-san-diego-biotech-million-bald.amp There is not much info on there other 2 main hair loss treatments compared to scube 3. But these 2 treatments are their main treatments not scube 3
  13. Amplifica have athree hair loss treatments and one should be going into trial at the end if this yr. But if verteporfin can just reduce scarring and regrow hair then most individuals would probs be happy with that. Lets hope.
  14. Fukuda, tsuji, and stemson want do anything they just delay and waste time. I hope i am wrong. Fukuda planned on human trials this yr but probs will not happen. Tsuji said trials in 2020 but nothing happend.
  15. Well , overall, minox regrew on all mice, but the level of growth was near complete using GT20029 on the mice that regrew hair. They must be confident if they are already in phase 2 of human trials
  16. Just to understand the verteporfin trials going on, is it just the 3 FUT DR BArghouthi trials in MAY
  17. Nice one melvin, the movement has begun. Lets just pray all this works and we get unlimited donor area. Amen
  18. He needs to do a microneedling experiment, over thinning/slick bald areas.
  19. Absolutely the more the merrier. Rob english talks about fibrosis and scarring which is why he uses the scalp massages. Verteporfin through the pig skin trial does exactly that, stops the scarring, hence healing the skin, hence regrowing hair follicles. At least Dr Barghouthi is doing more trials, just need to make sure other surgeons are doing trials using different techniques and dosages This has hope.
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