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Posts posted by BillyHopkins88

  1. Hi all this may sound strange but I'm getting nowere so thought I'd pop a message up here. Basicly when I hold a mirror straight on the sides and back I can't see any diffuse thinning but as soon as I lower the mirror looking upwards at my sides and back I can see horrific Diffuse thinning ? Lines everywere weird patterns pure scalp etc is this normal as I feel like I'm going mad 😂 I have no diffuse pattern ontop if anything things are improving slowly ontop . I'm on dut 0.5 a day , I don't no if it's a shed from dut but surely I would see a shed looking straight on at sides and back. It's only when I tilt the mirror you can clearly see really bad diffuse thinning. it's soooo weird 😄 got me stumped out of ideas

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