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Posts posted by mrmajified

  1. It's 2 days away from being 2 months since I had my first surgery. I took a few before/after haircut photos. The ugly duckling phase is definitely in full flight and I'd rather have the FUT scar show than what I had going.

    Itchiness has mostly subsided, but was there from 3 weeks to 8 weeks in.
    Pimples are a lot more common than they were before.

    Redness still obvious.


    Here's hoping the next couple of months show improvement.

    July 21, 2023 - Before haircut #1.jpg

    July 21, 2023 - Before haircut #2.jpg

    July 21, 2023 - Before haircut #3.jpg

    July 21, 2023 - Before haircut #4.jpg

    July 21, 2023 - After haircut #1.jpg

    July 21, 2023 - After haircut #2.jpg

    • Like 2
  2. On 7/17/2023 at 9:47 PM, hongkongfue said:

    Your scar will be great. Here’s mine from Dr. Wong 18 years later and it was done without Trichophytic closure. No railroading. 


    Looks good! We have pretty similar skin and hair color, so I've got high hopes.

  3. 6 hours ago, asterix0 said:

    Did Dr.Wong mention anything about the "railroad track" scarring around the FUT line? I have seen some patients have this, and others not, not sure if it is due to techniques on how the FUT extraction is closed or moreso individual patient physiology. 

    Of course you could just grow your donor out longer and cover it up and no one would see.

    It hasn't been brought up with the doctor, though I have thought about it myself. From what I've read on other posts, it'll likely go away or get a lot smaller on it's own. Not much I can do about it right now, so I'll just wait and see.

  4. 8 hours ago, Chrisno said:

    I'm debating it with myself - but I very much value my anonymity. Considering doing a detailed write-up of the day of op, so people can get a thorough understanding of how it goes down at H&W.


    Wanted to ask you a quick question: did your grafts grow in the days after your procedure before shedding started? I'm 6 days post op now, minimal scabbing, but the hair in the grafts have not 'grown' in length if you know what I mean. I've noticed in other cases posted here they seem to grow a bit before they shed, but mine are just sitting there.

    Some grew, while some did not. I don't know enough about it to tell you what's normal. I suggest asking the doctor what his thoughts are!

    • Thanks 1
  5. 41 minutes ago, PDeep10 said:

    Thanks for the reply! I’ll be booking on Tuesday and your comments/pictures/replies have been immensely helpful.

    Cheers and do continue to post update pictures as the results look fantastic thus far! 

    I will definitely keep posting updates!
    Hope you can get in soon. Looking forward to your post when it happens!

  6. On 6/30/2023 at 10:38 PM, PDeep10 said:

    Hey! I’m in Calgary and looking to book with H&W. They seem to push FUE and I’ve heard the techs do most of the surgery, but your experience is diametrically opposed to these comments I’ve read. Wondering how you found the experience and how the recovery is going? I want to book for December to use vacation and Christmas to heal without interrupting work too much. Did you have to suggest FUT or did they recommend it? Either way, glad it is working out for you and the preliminary results look solid! 


    Hey. FUE was never even in the discussion for mine. I also met another guy at the clinic who had FUT, but most did FUE. I'm guessing they have certain criteria for who they recommend what to. Honestly, ask them whatever questions come into your head before, during, or after.

    My first surgery was FUT and I noticed Dr.Wong was in the room for more time than the FUE that followed; probably because the extraction of a large piece of skin requires a doctor to be present. I personally don't understand all the hate for techs doing most the work. The younger techs generally have steadier hands, and with some guidance know exactly what they need to do. Keeps the doctor fresh too.

    • Like 3
  7. 20 hours ago, HairEnthusiast101 said:

    Looks like this will be great. Also you must heal insanely well because for that short of time your scar is very very small!

    I've never really thought about it, but I guess I do heal pretty well compared to most!


    20 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    @mrmajified your FUT scar is healing very well already. 👌

    Seems to be the consensus so far!
    By the way, appreciate all the help you provide to everyone on these forums. Thanks for being so active and helpful!

    • Like 1
  8. 21 hours ago, Chrisno said:

    I like what I see! In hindsight, the temple touch up was a nice idea, I agree. Looking good, I must say!

    Exciting to follow your case! I'm just 2 days post-op from Hasson myself

    Curious to see what yours will look like. Are you planning to start your own topic?

  9. On 4/25/2023 at 12:37 PM, A_4_Archan said:

    You are free to share anything...no one is baned like that without any reasons...as far as finasteride goes ,its not that evryone gets side effects ..normally people can tolerate it so you can try it ...and if it doesn't suits you than you can stop it anytime..it won't cause any permanent side effects as such...but still if you don't want to take it than i guess minoxidil solution and biotin tablets would be fine...even you can consider oral minoxidil which has shown better results after consulting your surgeon ....right now you are at ugly duckling phase ..bt soon you will start seeing baby hairs which will start getting fuller and thicker after 4 months and your growth phase will start from that till 14-18 months...

    I was using topical finasteride/minodoxil for over a year before my HT and I plan to use it in again in about a week (it'll be 3 weeks since HT then). The reason I went with topical was to avoid the potential side effects I also read about. Curious what some of the more senior members think on the topical form and if that would be a good recommendation for OP.

  10. On 6/20/2023 at 4:34 PM, Stewie said:

    temples are a lot better as when looking at your images from start up till now the only thing that did not look right was your temples, glad he has touched them up as they look loads more natural now :) 

    Definitely, thank you! I regret not making a bigger deal out of it when I was there the first time. Going for a second surgery (while worth it) is not recommended from me.

  11. 36 minutes ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    can you clarify how this happened? I image for the vast majority of doctors, even if a mistake or an area that could be made better is noted, most patients would still have to wait months and months to get a touchup

    Its really cool that you could go back in there after a mere 3 weeks. How far in advance was this minor 2nd touchup planned for? Are you local to the Vancouver area?

    This was planned one week in advance; there was a cancellation that I took advantage of.  I am in the Calgary area, so there are a lot of flights between the cities.

    • Like 2
  12. 14 hours ago, duckling said:

    actually that is done to create a asymmetrical look on both sides so that hairline looks natural.

    among so many FUE cases here, following some FUT cases will be refreshing. and its done by the best FUT clinic.

    good luck for the hair growth and with 5000 grafts i am sure your look will change in next 12 months a lot.

    I did ask him today and he said he tried to make it symmetrical, but it's not always perfect. Not sure if I'm overthinking this, but it seems more than just a bit off in my opinion.

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