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Everything posted by Matty91

  1. Thank you for the reply guys appreciate it IF I do go for transplant, how many grafts do we estimate for both scars ?
  2. Hey guys thought I would try one more time any thought? Would be much appreciated thanks
  3. Hi everyone, Long time lurker and first time poster. I wanted to post a couple of photos on my situation and get some feedback on how I could move forward. My situation: I have a condition named hidradenitis suppurativa where my sweat glands and hair follicles can get infected and I get abcesses. I have had this condition since I was about 20 (now 29). I had an abscess on my head that I had to get surgically drained and removed. Unfortunately it left a decent scar on my head (don't think the surgeon done the best job closing it, oh well!). I also have scars on my face that I had fraxel laser done on to smoothen the scarring. I didn't know this at the time but it is an inflammatory condition and I was having too much refined sugar! So I stopped most of my sugar intake about 4 years ago and I have had no new inflammation and the condition is controlled. I would now like to see if its possible to get surgery done as I have been walking around like this for about 5 years and I think its now time lol. I have attached photos of effected areas and my beard and hair donor. Basically I want to get a beard transplant for beard scars with beard grafts, and hair transplant for the scars on my head with grafts from head donor. Do you think it would be successful and I can get hair growing in these areas and how many grafts would it take? P.S I do suffer from MPB I have been on finesteride for 3 years now 1mg a day with good effect. Not sure if this is relevant but thought I would mention anyway. Thank you
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