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Posts posted by Surf

  1. 6 hours ago, ITA said:

    How do you tell his  hairline is looks good? From the first photo (pre-transplant, which is not so clear anyway) it can be seen that he started from a good situation, the 2300 grafts should have given an excellent density, but this is not the case.

    I don’t think you can say for sure his starting situation was excellent. It’s not the best photo. OP, provide some more if you can. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Longevita said:

    We were almost getting used to your deep expertise in medicine. Now the accounting guru inside you came out. We are unable to follow you any longer Melvin! 😂

    Hi there. As an actual accountant, that invoice makes no sense. 

    You have a list price of £1,070.00 for the surgery, a discount of £1,070.00, and an amount of £1,070? This is the same for all items on that list. Yet, in total, there’s an adjustment of £0.00 at the end. 

    I suggest whoever’s set up your Excel templates takes a day to actually get these things right. It’s not a good look. 

    (This post is not financial advice. It is not accounting advice. Consult with your own accountant) 

  3. 5 hours ago, RTC said:

    He did Mike Thurston's transplant. Turned out quite good tbh.

    Of course a surgeon doing a celebrity’s transplant, knowing the process was going to be an advertising piece, turned out good. There are plenty of Turkish hair mills that have a great couple of celebrity results too. I’m not saying he is one at all, but I am saying that you can’t go by celebrity results for any doctor. 

  4. OP, the first thing you need to do is calm down. 

    What’s done is done. You cannot change it. All worrying about it is going to do is stress you out, and that’s ironically not good for your hair growth!

    You have no idea how this’ll turn out. Wait at least 6 months and see. You might really like the result. If you don’t, it can always be fixed. But now you just need to accept it and wait. 

    • Like 3
  5. On 4/15/2023 at 2:39 AM, Navthedon said:

    I made the mistake of going to him. Was not happy for the hairline he created (far too conservative and high) - eventually I got so frustrated I ended up going Turkey to have it done right. The fact he charges per hair rather than per graft should've sent alarm bells but I didn't know any better back then. Never again. 

    Not to hijack this thread, but it seems as if there’s been quite a few unusual cases very recently where people are questioning the Reddy’s results against the extremely high standard that they hold him to. There’s a few threads on Reddit in particular. Certainly interesting. 

  6. The way creatine works, if it’s increasing your DHT, it’s not doing it directly. It’ll be because of an increase in testosterone (either by some mechanism which we’ve not yet identified, or because it’s assisting you with athletic performance which encourages greater T production). That’s not a bad thing at all - pretty much every bloke could do with an increase in naturally-produced T. 

    People are pulling their hair out (pun intended) over ONE study, which appears rather poorly conducted on the analysis side, from two decades ago. 

    If you’re taking fin, you shouldn’t be worried. If you’re not taking fin, you should be accepting that your hair will fall out regardless. 

    • Like 1
  7. Looks fairly clean. Regarding density, a quick eye comparison of the # natural hairs versus transplanted hairs per cm2 shows that you’re not going to replicate natural density. However, that doesn’t mean it’s not going to be a quality result! Some doctors really can do more with less. Your hair is really thick so you might not need more grafts. I think it’ll turn out well for you. 

  8. OP I’ve had one done a few months ago with a couple hundred more grafts for a very similar hairline and also have my worries over the density. My advice is to accept that there is nothing you can do about it for the next 6 months at least (and realistically, not for the next 12 months). 

    It is very possible that your hair will look fantastic at the end. It’s possible you’ll need a second procedure. All you can do is wait, which isn’t easy, but you have to. I’d PM you to share more but can’t for some reason - @Melvin- Moderator any idea why? Do I need a certain number of posts?

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