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Everything posted by JNA

  1. I know what it stands for, but the primary difference between the two is the way in which hair follicles are extracted from the donor area..
  2. A FUE procedure involves the individual extraction of hair follicles, which are then transplanted elsewhere on the scalp, while a FUT procedure involves removing a long strip of the scalp, separating the follicles, and then transplanting them. They preform the FUT method which is also the "Strip method"
  3. Ola you are doing the right thing by researching forums and reviews. You asked for a recommendation and I just simply gave you my opinion of one. The ones you listed are all great. I'm sure they will all have good and bad reviews(you can't please everyone) Just be sure to first get a biopsy to make sure that your hairloss is traction alopecia. Be sure to ask about the experience of the technicians for they are the ones who would be extracting the graphs whether it be the FUE or FUT method. Research before and after photos as well. Good luck on your hair journey.
  4. They are located in Fort Lauderdale, Florda and do the FUT method.
  5. Not fishy, just new...I was reading this thread and wanted to respond and saw that I needed to sign up. Ola, be sure to get a biopsy first to properly diagnose the traction alopecia so that you can be sure you would be a candidate.
  6. Have you looked into Dr. Harold Siegel with Natural Transplants? He specializes in African American female traction hairloss...
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