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Everything posted by barnett

  1. Yeah that makes sense, thinking about it, I guess there are hairs that might not be very visible for a few weeks and that might affect where they want to put grafts? I did the side comb myself for a while, which especially worked because one side was a bit balder than the other and I could cover the 'bad' side. But these days my balding is not diffuse at all in the front unfortunately, I look like Robocop with his helmet off.
  2. Thanks for the replies guys. Seems like I will probably have to wait a while for a consultation then, as I recently shaved it. Perhaps I'll enquire with some places I'm interested in though, just to make sure. @TheGreatPretender I would like to grow it out long after the transplant myself, as I used to enjoy having hair to grow and style in the beforetimes. I just can't stand how it looks currently so I shave it off!!! I've got pretty advanced MPB.
  3. Quick question about growing out my hair - How long does your hair have to be for a consultation, and how long does it have to be for the operation itself? I usually shave it! Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the advice. I'll be honest, I'm mainly going off reputation on this website (and pics of outcomes where available) and then geography is helping me narrow it down. I'm not sure I'd ever be able to confidently choose the absolute best surgeon out of a bunch of good ones anyway!! Thanks for that! No I don't have much give in my scalp unfortunately, a little maybe on the sides and back but still nowhere near as much as the photograph.
  5. Thanks for the posts and suggestions guys, sorry for my late reply. I'm open to the idea of FUT, I'm just wondering about how bad the scars may be I guess. I'll be sure to bring it up when I have my consultation though!
  6. Thanks for the info! Yeah that makes sense to go for the front first. I'm actually wondering if my crown can be treated with non-surgical treatment, I'll have to speak to a Doctor about it, it's in much, much better shape than the front.
  7. Wow this is a great forum, tons of information here! Overwhelming even! Thanks for setting it up. I wonder if I can ask some questions? I'm late 30s, probably a Norwood 5 or 6 (I just learnt about the Norwood scale today on here!) and I'm determined now to get a FUE hair transplant, assuming I'm suitable, which has brought me here. I'm thinking of going with Dr. Bessam Farjo as he is quite nearby in Manchester I believe and seems to have lots of good press on here. I think there are other surgeons working at his clinic, do I need to ensure I get him specifically somehow, perhaps requesting him in the consultation? Also, what's the usual amount of grafts a clinic can do in one full day session? I'm probably going to need a lot! Thanks!
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