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Everything posted by IdkWhyImHere

  1. @Rafael Manelli yeah I’m more than comfortable with a more conservative/widows peak hairline! and just adding density throughout the scalp to improve the illusion. Tbh looking back I don’t think I ever had a straight hairline to begin with even as a child lol I’ve started with meds and should I proceed with a hair transplant it’ll likely be for 2024 so a year out and I’ll be 25 by then. Very much just trying to go for the do it right first Time type approach so as to not waste any donor hair hence my leaning towards docs who have worked with higher norwoods currently! I’ve looked into FUT as I heard it can cover more with less? (Not sure if that’s true!) And you could also mix it with FUE. However the scarring is what causing my reservations towards it. Also I’m not sure on which doctors offer FUT? Rarely see FUT results on the forum at least since I’ve been lurking
  2. @Mike10 Haha Been there done that 😅 I don’t mind it too much to be fair and have a decent dark beard too which helps however that was prior to realising I don’t have to just settle. Hence hopping on Fin and minoxidil. Also As for why I grew my hair out again if I didn’t mind it, the pics above are in the most unflattering light and style of course. Day to day with the with how I usually style my hair it’s alot less noticeable to the everyday person that I’m losing my hair let alone how “aggressive” it is. The slight waviness probably helps too. Guess you could call it an illusion of density XD which isn’t that all a transplant really is? since you’re never going back to 16 lol
  3. @Berik also I’ll look into Zarev. Similarly what’s your thoughts on Pitella? Also caught my eye due to high Norwood cases, work with diffuse thinners etc
  4. @Doron Harati Family wise I’d say donor hair doesn’t suffer from much miniaturisation. Usually also maintain relatively high sides. and noted, will do thanks
  5. @SoSoz true haha I recall people saying 25 one upon. Time too. I understand their reasoning however as going for a transplant young one could have unrealistic expectations, go too heavy on the hairline and ultimately not leave enough donor for the crown etc etc. BUT I like to believe I’ve set realistic expectations and fully understand what I’m getting into. should I have any issues with FIN I will ultimately require a follow up transplant in the future as my native hair will continue to thin. I’ve sat on this a while and truly believe with realistic expectations, a conservative hairline and anticipation of future loss going for one at say 25 makes no difference than going at 30 aside from you could probably go for a bigger one time session at 30.
  6. @Berik thanks for both your responses and noted! yeah that’s partially why I’ve been unsure with Eugenix due to their vast variety of packages and high volume of in and out cases lately.
  7. @Daniel A @Gatsby thanks for the replies! understood. It’s partially why I decided on booking a Transplant for late this year/early next year as opposed to instantly. But I suppose pushing it slightly further so it’s a full year on meds won’t hurt! I’ll look into the forum recommended surgeons however any personal surgeon suggestions to keep in mind say if you guys were in my position?
  8. Hi guys been lurking the forum the past few months and it’s been super useful overall. So thanks! I kind of excepted my hairloss and given that most men in my family suffer from it, I always saw it coming which made it kinda easier but also sucked as I’m sure most of you know it does take a hit on your confidence. However I’ve come to realise I don’t have to just let it happen and now here I am. my hairloss has progressed a lot and but I’ve recently hopped on finasteride and also began using topical minoxidil. Plan to continue this unless any side affects come up (let’s hope not!) I’m 24 years old currently and turning 25 after weighing up my options I’ve decided I don’t feel I need to wait till 30 and wish to go for it sooner rather than later. I’ve set realistic expectations in what I wish to achieve and understand should meds not do the trick I will need to go for a further transplant to “keep up” I hope to go for a transplant late 2023 or early 2024. so far I’ve been looking into Dr Pitella and also Eugenix (however the different packages/drs I’m unsure on) but was wondering if you guys have any other suggestions? also if you were in my position what approach would you take towards the transplant? I was leaning towards a conservative hairline somewhat of a widows peak (my hair was this way as a teen) and focus more on achieving density throughout that scalp
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