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Posts posted by KevW

  1. Just now, dsq83 said:

    well u had a vast area to cover! Im nt a doctor, but wait until 12 month as many clinics suggested me when I was worried bout the result, mine got some visible result after 7months. and I didn't cut my hair. Did you cut your hair? Keep it longer and wait till 1-1.5 hairs to see the result and cheer up

    Cheers man. I buzz mine once a week, been doing that for years as prefer the buzz look over the bald look. Yeah I need to stop this I know. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, dsq83 said:

    @vosvos hello buddy, well, hair got longer, I started to see some result after month 7. I wouldnt say it's perfect or super dense but its covering up pretty well, for sure need to make the 2 HT. please check the pics 

    KakaoTalk_Photo_2023-03-27-20-25-21 001.jpeg


    KakaoTalk_Photo_2023-03-27-20-25-21 004.jpeg

    Hi, wow what a difference over that period of time. I posted yesterday for the first time as I am as concerned as you were back at the time of your initial post. Feel free to view. 

    anyway please can you advise what brand of multi vitamins you use please - I need to start on these to see if it helps? 

    great progress btw and well done!!!

  3. 12 minutes ago, Belve said:

    Firstly 6 months is too early to judge, final result is on 12 months.
    Secondly you should let your hair to grow. You can’t evaluate a hair transplant with so short hair. 

    in addition you had a huge area to cover and the implanted density was average with only 4000 grafts, as it is shown on the post op photos.
    So you can’t expect miracles but just a little improvement for before. 4000 grafts for this area are not enough. For a good coverage you would need another 4000-5000 grafts 

    I really appreciate your honest feedback, it’s noted.  Thank you very much. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

    The placement goes look like you far more grafts on the hairline (as you'd expect). 

    It's therefore expected that at that stage that would be obvious in the growth.

    What you're hoping for is a good yield. If you get that I'd still expect relatively modest coverage in the midscalp. Six months is too early to judge, id give it another month or two and hopefully you'll see a marked improvement in aesthetic.

    Id also prepare yourself for the need for a second surgery to increase density regardless of how well this one grows out.


    Thank you for feedback, much appreciated and noted 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    Personally I think if you let everything grow out longer you will be able to see what coverage and donor density you currently have. I know it's cliche but see what yields over the next six months before making a final judgement. Being honest with you I'm not a fan of the clinic you chose but you will never know until you get to the final maturation stage. All the best.

    Thank you for your comments Gatsby, much appreciated.  I do try to let it grow in a bit but the hairs in the area just behind the hairline isn’t really growing at all (still small and spiky) and then it looks even worse in my opinion. I value your feedback and will give it a go.  
    Thank you 


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  6. 5 minutes ago, Archan said:

    Imho at this stage you should have got better growth thn this bt there are few slow growers and i wish you are one of them...can you please post immediate post op pics so evry1 can see how was the implantation pattern and Kindly share how many grafts you implanted ?

    Thanks for your reply. I’ve attached the earliest photos I have post op. 
    I had 4300 grafts implanted. 







  7. Hello 

    first time poster and doing so because I am really concerned about lack of progress.

    I had FUE procedure done in September 2022 (6.5 months ago at time of post) at Smile Hair Clinic, Istanbul and progress is painfully slow

    I use Topical Finasteride and Minoxidil twice daily.  

    @Melvin- Moderator I’ve watched your videos and i get the stay patient message but I’m not 3, 4 or 5 months anymore and still I don’t have great progress. 
    i have attached some pre op photos and my latest photos at 6 months

    I would be really grateful for some honest feedback and advice please? 










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