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Everything posted by Ukdude

  1. Is there anything I should be doing to help with it? I’m currently just bathing the pustules with warm salt water to try and dry them out and encourage the pus to come out! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! thanks guys
  2. Hi everyone, just after a bit of advice. I had my first HT in January of this year (2023) I suffered from excessive scabbing at the front which looks like it will scar now. My question is I’m developing pustules. Is this Folliculitis? I’ve had a course of clarithromycin for a week and topical mupirocin at the same time. I’ve finished the course and I’m still developing pustules. My gp won’t prescribe anything else. I’m not one for posting on forums but this is really affecting my confidence and if I hold my hands up…it’s getting me quite down as I look really bad and everyone keeps commenting on how it looks. Do you think I will still get good growth? I’ve had 5000 grafts and it’s week 8. Any advice would greatly help as I feel lost atm…. thanks!
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