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Posts posted by Polak50

  1. On 9/22/2023 at 1:54 PM, GeneralNorwood said:

    But it's not. Area that was treated is huge, he was way balder then you. It would be irresponsible to implant 60 grafts/cm2 in this case, because it would use over 5000+ grafts. You don't want to use all the donor for the frontal third, if you have this level of baldness. Because what about future progression? So it was good plan from dr Laorwong for this particular patient. 

    If you want to look for dense packing examples, you have too look for people with balding similar to you


    Here is example of dense packing. You see, the recipient area is a lot smaller, but it was 3000 grafts anyway. Maybe 200-300 was used for the temple peaks, so it was 2700-2800 grafts for the front i believe





    This is only after 5 months



    This photos are from review from polish forum : https://pokonajlysienie.com/topic/3277-dr-feriduni-fue-3008-102020



    Thanks for the Insights, Laorwong just confirmed he does 50 / cm2 


    I saw your Feriduni examples amazing work, do you think Laorwong can achieve simillar results with 50 / cm2 because it would be very convenient for me because i will be in Thailand anyways.


    but this guy received an absolutely amazing job from Feriduni.



  2. On 9/19/2023 at 11:29 AM, Gramatik said:

    I think Pekiner who charges 2.7 euro/graft would be your best pick for creating a very dense and natural looking hairline. All of Pekiner's results are top quality. Bicer is good too. Otherwise you could consider Freitas, Couto, Lorenzo, Ximena vila, Hans henicke In Spain or Pinto, Fereira in Portugal.

    Thanks for your feedback.

    On 9/19/2023 at 12:04 PM, GeneralNorwood said:

    Is he dense packing? I saw some recent cases and didn't notice. I saw mostly higher norwood cases, a way balder then you. 


    Ask the clinics what is their plan and how many grafts per cm2 they want to transplant. I had transplanted around 40 grafts/cm2 in the front, however i am norwood 6 with diffuse thinning, so you can't compare yourself to me. 


    You are true Norwood 3. I saw people with Norwood 2 and Norwood 3 on this forum that had transplanted around 40-45 grafts/cm2 in the front and they weren't 100% sattisfied. Because when you are true lower Norwood, you have very dense hair 60+ grafts /cm2 behind balding front. So if you transplant only 40, there will be contrast, bigger seethrough then you had before procedure, it won't add up. However you can always go with 40-45 grafts/cm2 in the first procedure and then decide if you want a second procedure. So you have to decide which plan suits you best. 

    It seems that he does dense packing, this is a screenshot from his website:



    Thanks for the measurement, I will need to go with 60-70 grafts/ cm2 i want it really dense, thanks for giving me the needed metrics.

    17 hours ago, jjalay said:

    His hairline work is great so  i think he is on the same level of the other doctors mentioned. You can also discuss with him the posibility of a strip to see what is the best option for your case. I am saying this because you seem young and your hairloss may progress. In such cases its always better to start with a strip in order to preserve the donor for future surgery. Laorwong is doing strip too.

    Actually I'm a little bit concerned about the scars from the strip method, i've just googled it and i've found horrific scars on people:

    And it seems to be a much more intense procedure. But I will talk this through with the doctor.

    If you can give me a feedback from your perspective it would be also nice.




  3. 18 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Honestly, if I were in your shoes. It would probably make the most sense to go to Laorwong. Look at some of the reviews here like @Jamos1982 if you’re already in Thailand, that will be the most convenient. I think his results are on par with Pekiner.


    Thanks Melvin for the Feedback, yes he seems to be the right pick in my case.

    17 hours ago, GeneralNorwood said:

    Pekiner is around 3 euros per graft, Feriduni is around 4.5 euros per graft. 

    To clarify, i would contact both - Feriduni and Pekiner. Then i would decide based on offer and based on recent reviews.

    I will anyways contact both of them for a quote.

    17 hours ago, A_4_Archan said:

    Actually this is a subjective thing but from my experience if your budget is somewhere around 2-2.5 USD per graft than dr laorwong is a better pick..and if you are fine with stretching your budget to around 4 euros per graft than look at dr Ferreira/Dr Pinto..and if there is no issue of budget than ofcourse dr munib ahmad is a no brainer 

    Number of grafts depends on what are your goals and what you wanna achieve but somewhere in between 2k-2.5k would be fine...

    Thanks for the Feedback Archan.

    11 hours ago, jjalay said:

    You need hairline work so i think Laorwong, Pinto, Couto, Raphael de freitas, Bisanga, Feriduni are your best options. For turkey Pekiner is your best option but i dont think he is better than the others. I dont know if he is using microscopes and i have never seen any high definition videos from him to highlight the hairline work. I would avoid HLC in general.

    Thanks for the Feedback @jjalay I will most likely log in Laorwong in my case, but I will get a quote from Feriduni anyways.

    Do you think Laorwong would be the best option in my situation?

  4. 3 hours ago, GeneralNorwood said:

    Of course not. It's a chain. 

    @GeneralNorwood okay thank you for your feedback, so to clarify again you would log in Pekiner in my case.

    Do you know in which price segment Pekiner and Feriduni would be in my case?

    3 hours ago, A_4_Archan said:


    If budget is a non issue than i would say look at dr munib ahmad who is producing excellent results consistently...

    Other than that you can look at dr Ferreira ,dr pinto,dr couto,dr de freitas...this all are excellent options too

    I have done my surgery with dr kongkiat laorwong from thailand and by far thrilled with the outcome..you may look at my thread...i have seen lots of work from him and from my experience i would say he is underrated doctor and the most value for money pick and if you have any questions regarding him than feel free to send me a personal message 

    How would you compare the skills of Laorwong to Pekiner, Munib Ahmad or Freitas or the other well known.

    Ideally I would like to get the most quality for my money and I will be in Thailand anyways this Winter.

    Do you know how much it would approximately cost in my case (GeneralNorwood said it would be around 2500 Grafts in my case)


    Thanks guys

  5. 19 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Dr. Laorwong is a great choice. Dr. Path is another excellent option. Dr. Laorwong works alongside @Dr.Ratchathorn Panchaprate she also seems to be producing great results. 


    Now I'm even more confused, on my list are now currently:


    -Dr. Bisanga

    -Dr. Feriduni

    -Dr. Pekiner (heard his name the most)

    -Dr. Laorwong

    -Dr. Path

    @Melvin- Moderator if you would be in my shoes, which surgeon would you pick in my specific case, who is the safest bet for a perfect hairline + minmal scars.


    18 hours ago, GeneralNorwood said:


    So you need HT only for frontal third, something between 2500-3000 grafts. 


    Feriduni or Pekiner would be mine 1st choice in your situation. They both can provide you dense result with good donor managmenent. Though Pekiner would split this kind of surgery in 2 days. 

    Then i would think about Bisanga or Bruno Ferreira. However i noticed on this forum that Ferreira would propose second surgery after 1 year to add density rather then do dense packing in first surgery. But this is only his choice, to do it more safely. His results are stunning too. 


    I don't know anything about Laorwong, so can't answer that. 


    FUE makes scars, but they are tiny. It looks something like this : 


    @GeneralNorwood thank you so much, your answer was very helpful :)

    Can we consider HLC clinic aswell in the same league as the doctors mentioned above or are they lower quality?

    Thanks guys

  6. On 9/15/2023 at 11:32 AM, mr_peanutbutter said:

    if you are in poland you could also consider marwan saifi

    @mr_peanutbutter Have read bad reviews about him to be honest.

    On 9/15/2023 at 4:25 PM, Turkhair said:

    All the clinics you mentioned are great. You can also contact Bisinga 

    @Turkhair Yes I know that they seem to be the most popular clinics, but it's so hard for me to choose the best clinic in terms of quality in my case (hairline).

    On 9/15/2023 at 7:19 PM, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Great clinics to research. I would take some time on this forum and research patient reviews. I believe @GeneralNorwood is Polish as well, I’m sure he’d be willing to help guide you. 

    Good luck on your research.

    Thanks @Melvin- Moderator for the nice heads up, I'm reading a lot of reviews but what would be your recommendation in my case, who specializes most in hairlines and dense packing.

    On 9/15/2023 at 11:06 PM, GeneralNorwood said:

    No 😅 

    Look at this, i don't understand this kind of HT

    Saifi FUE HT - przeszczep 2550 graftów - Leczenie chirurgiczne - Pokonaj Lysienie



    I saw some good results on HRN from Saifi, but i didn't see WOW results and i saw meh results. 

    I would generally skip Poland for HT. And never think about going to Turkowski Ot. Co clinic. Polish TV is making episode in show "Intervention" about victims of this "doctor". 



    I would like to see more photos from the top, so we can see the crown. 

    Based on this pictures you are Norwood 3 and have pretty dense hair. In your position i would consider Dr Pekiner too. He provides dense results for lower Norwoods. 

    Contacting him can be problematic though. I believe the waiting for the surgery is at least 1 year since getting in touch. 

    Other option would be dr Feriduni from Belgium. He is good at dense packing too. 

    Results Men - Dr. Feriduni

    @GeneralNorwood Yes this is what I meant, of course i'm attaching a photo of my crown.

    So Feriduni is really the second best option in regards of dense packing after Pekiner, do you think Laorwong could provide a solid dense packing job in my case?


    And guys, what do you think? How many grafts will I need to properly fill my hairline?


    In my case, I'm very flexible and willing to travel all around the world to get this done professionally.

    I will be in Thailand over the winter because I'm pursuing my Muay Thai career there, and that's why I thought of Laorwong.

    European or Southeast Asian clinic recommendations should be no problem; also, Turkey is no problem for me.


    My goal is just to find the best clinic in my case (hairline restoration, dense packing). The quality is very important to me; ideally, I want a non-scared donor area with a clean-looking hairline, and I aim for results so natural that nobody would even know I've had a hair transplant.




  7. Hello fellow hair loss warriors,

    I hope this post finds you all well in your quest to combat hair loss. Today, I find myself at a crossroads and in need of some guidance regarding my hair restoration journey. I've been using finasteride daily at a 0.5mg dosage and also incorporating topical minoxidil into my routine. Despite these efforts, my hair loss situation continues to concern me.

    To provide some context and hopefully receive valuable feedback, I've attached images of my current hair loss situation to this post. I believe that visual representation can often speak louder than words when it comes to assessing hair loss, so I hope this will help in providing a clearer picture of my condition.

    Now, the main reason for my post today is to seek recommendations on reputable hair restoration clinics. I've reached out to two renowned doctors, Dr. Mwamba and Dr. Pekiner, but I haven't received a reply from them yet.

    I'm considering two other options: Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong in Thailand and the HLC clinic in Turkey.

    I've come across several reviews in the forum, but as I'm not an expert, it's challenging for me to determine the best option. What would you recommend in my situation?

    Ultimately, my goal is to make an informed decision about which clinic to choose for my hair restoration journey. Your professional recommendations and personal experiences will go a long way in helping me decide what's best for my specific case.

    Thank you all in advance for your support and advice. Let's continue to support one another on this challenging journey of hair restauration :)

    Best regards,




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