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Posts posted by GibGob

  1. 13 hours ago, BeHappy said:

    Crowns take a lot more grafts to fill in than most people think, but you don't want to put too many grafts into your crown if you haven't touched the front half yet. You may not need any in the front now, but if your crown is bald it's a good bet that your front will follow soon. You need to save those grafts for the 

    My front is good. It's just the crown that needed work. I'm 34 and managed to keep the front very well. The crown started to thin in my early 20s. I feel like I'd might want to add more to the crown but I've already had 2,000 grafts (dense pack) put in the crown at my first procedure. I'm not sure how many more grafts I should add to the crown if I might lose hair in the front 

  2. This is my first. According to my surgeon 6 months is very early for the crown and the follicles just begin to really wake up.  I'm going to see my surgeon again sometime this year to be evaluated. 

    I just don't understand how it takes this long. You would think 6 months is plenty enough time and that at 6 months you would be able to gauge the success of the HT

  3. I had a crown FUT done by a very reputable NYC clinic. I do notice some growth but it's very little and I'm starting to feel very discouraged. It's already been 7 months and I think to myself how much better is my hair really going to get? I know they say it can take up to a year or more but I just feel nothing more will happen. Basically I still see lots of scalp and it's very see through and doesn't look significantly better at all really. Definitely not worth the price I paid at all at this point.

    I've been on finasteride for over 2 years and still on it

    Should I start using topical minoxidil to try and speed up growth? Will the transplanted hairs go through a phase of falling out due to the minoxidil again?

  4. I'm thinking it's possible that the technicians maybe didn't place the grafts according to plan. Maybe it's more of the technicians failure to follow directions from Dr. Bloxham. I doubt it though because his clinic uses experienced techs under close supervision supposedly. Have you noticed anything strange or eccentric about the techs behavior during your procedure?

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