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Posts posted by takuma

  1. On 3/20/2024 at 11:43 AM, DrTBarghouthi said:

    Hi guys,

    Apologies for the silence. We just finished an FUE case and injected 4 different doses of Verteporfin in specific areas of the mid scalp in order to be able to go back to the exact spots. We used SMP around the areas extracted but also measured precisely the location of each of the spots. The dosages used were: 0.4 mg, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 mg. Photos were taken using the Tricholab system. Will update and share shortly. Happy to hear about all the updates from the community and @Melvin- Admin

    Dr Bargouthi's new trial started in March, in his previous trial in 2022 we started seeing indications of regrowth at a month and 12 days precisely 42 days ...in this case it's been a little over 2 months ...this next update should be interesting as the original trials 2 month update showed several hairs sprouting up.

    • Like 1
  2. 43 minutes ago, Jay Dunman said:

    Lol that's my point dude. He DID do it and no follow up or no comments from the patient. If the guy knew to track down Barghouthi for Verteporforin surely he's aware of the rest of us on here. Why no updates? And why no full FUE this time around either? This is starting to make me think this is just a fundraiser project at this point 

    I get what ur saying...but if the patient wanted to remain anonymous, we can't blame the doctor for that...

  3. 26 minutes ago, Jay Dunman said:

    I'm confused why Dr. Barghouthi didn't do a full FUE with Verteporforin. You wouldn't even need the fancy equipment to tell if it works at that point. These small area exercises won't really give us a full indication. It's just too hard to micro point to this and that and say officially it works. 

    Many watching surgeons will be skeptical because of this. dr. B mentioned he did a full FUE with verteporforin once before. Why not ask that patient for a follow up to see if he has the typical FUE scars? Worried that it didn't work hence no follow ups. Not likely someone so invested in verteporforin would go to Jordan to get it done fully and then not care to follow up if the results were amazing 

    If i remember correctly he did do a full fue with verteporfin on a patient last year, i wonder how their results are looking.

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  4. 17 minutes ago, Der3k7 said:

    Are you talking about the video with Dr visage where they discussed the photo? Based on that it seems he was suggesting there’s too much noise in the signal to noise to really attribute that picture to verterporfin and then the trial by Stanford was done on mice 

    Dr Bargouthi's original experiment had regrowth... that's what got the community so hyped up in the first place... its at the very beginning of this thread 

  5. 2 hours ago, DrTBarghouthi said:

    Areas marked 35: 0.4 mg Verteporfin

    Areas marked 36: 0.6 mg Verteporfin

    Areas marked 37: 0.8 mg Verteporfin 

    Areas marked 38: 1 mg Verteporfin 


    Hi guys,

    Just wanted to share some photos of the latest trial. We have marked the areas injected both using a spot measure and also Scalp Micropigmentation. 7-8 follicles were removed from each marked area within the actual boundaries of the SMP. The removed grafts were all inspected and there were no transections seen. 





    0.4 mg Verteporfin (Before and after injection immediately)






    0.6 mg Verteporfin (Before and after injection immediately)






    0.8 mg Verteporfin (Before and after injection immediately)







    1 mg Verteporfin (Before and after injection immediately)






    This is amazing work! thank you Dr Bargouthi! can't wait to see how the different verteporfin concentration areas heal up and the results of the trial

  6. Keep in mind Dr Bargouthi is a pioneer and the first to do a verteporfin hair transplant..and has updated us every step of the way for the patients recovery and results.... he is the reason we have so much hype and data showing it works! .....he should be treated with respect and not doubt...im sure he is just very busy that's why he hasn't updated lately ...im looking forward to Dr Bloxham's next update as well with his FUT trials

    • Like 2
  7. 12 minutes ago, Dragonsphere said:

    Respectfully, what further update are you waiting for?

    He advised less than two months ago he has found a volunteer but a date has yet to be confirmed. 

    It can take several months from interview to the schedule date of the procedure as with any HT operation. 

    He already injected a patient with verteporfin last year....Maybe he has new update on the progress,  perhaps new pics of that patient's donor ....just asking, respectfully 

  8. On 1/29/2024 at 2:18 PM, DrTBarghouthi said:

    Hi guys,

    I do understand the frustration of the ongoing delays and I just want to reassure you that such delays were beyond anyone’s control. 

    We did have multiple issues with suitable volunteers in terms of their availability and follow up potential, as well as the ongoing issue of making sure that we have a reliable and constant supply of the medication. In addition to that, it did take us some time to arrange and purchase any missing equipment that we need for a more objective study. It is important at this stage to carry out decent trials - for purposes of being objective and as scientific as possible. 

    Having said that, there has been steady progress taking place in the background. We do have two volunteers. One Volunteer will have a full FUE with Verteforfin, while the other one will have Verteporfin injected in the bald areas of his scalp to see if there could be any potential improvement or growth. We have also managed to engage with a suitable supplier that can provide us with Verteporfin. I am placing a test order with them in these coming days to make sure their process is smooth. We have also received the photography device we need for research. I have booked two dates for these two trials- but I will refrain from mentioning the exact dates so as not to cause any further disappointment for now. 

    Finally, I have seen some nice recovery photos from our FUE patient who had his donor fully injected with Verteporfin after 2-3 months ago, and his donor is looking good. I will check with him if he wishes for his photos to be shared. 

    Thanks Dr Bargouthi, is there any new update on the upcoming trials or with the previous patient that you injected with verteporfin fully after an fue?

  9. 14 minutes ago, DrTBarghouthi said:

    Hi guys,

    I do understand the frustration of the ongoing delays and I just want to reassure you that such delays were beyond anyone’s control. 

    We did have multiple issues with suitable volunteers in terms of their availability and follow up potential, as well as the ongoing issue of making sure that we have a reliable and constant supply of the medication. In addition to that, it did take us some time to arrange and purchase any missing equipment that we need for a more objective study. It is important at this stage to carry out decent trials - for purposes of being objective and as scientific as possible. 

    Having said that, there has been steady progress taking place in the background. We do have two volunteers. One Volunteer will have a full FUE with Verteforfin, while the other one will have Verteporfin injected in the bald areas of his scalp to see if there could be any potential improvement or growth. We have also managed to engage with a suitable supplier that can provide us with Verteporfin. I am placing a test order with them in these coming days to make sure their process is smooth. We have also received the photography device we need for research. I have booked two dates for these two trials- but I will refrain from mentioning the exact dates so as not to cause any further disappointment for now. 

    Finally, I have seen some nice recovery photos from our FUE patient who had his donor fully injected with Verteporfin after 2-3 months ago, and his donor is looking good. I will check with him if he wishes for his photos to be shared. 

    Thank you so much Dr Bargouthi @DrTBarghouthi....I have a question regarding the second trial patient , will you be injecting the bald area of their scalp with or without wounding it first via incisions, or punches, microneedling, etc. Because from my understanding of the mechanism of the drug is that it works by healing wounds without scars and with that as a result comes back normal skin with hair follicles and sweat glands, so if there isn't a significant depth wound, then it may not make any difference if verteporfin was injected there.

  10. On 1/16/2024 at 10:43 PM, DrTBarghouthi said:

    Hi guys. I totally understand and I will update you with details by the end of this week- We are going ahead and nothing changed in terms of that. 

    Thank you so much @DrTBarghouthi will you be updating us on the new trial today; has the date been set,

    how many patients is it. Will you be doing a recipient area trial or a full fue trial? :)

  11. 12 minutes ago, bigmistake said:

    1) Why is his skin pink in colour ?

    2) How did he make simvastatin into a topical formulation. Did he mix it with minoxidil ?

    3) How do we know this is not just some troll ?

    Statins are tried and tested safe drugs. Maybe some HT doctor can put it on one single FUE scar and see what happens. That FUE scar can be encircled with some SMP.

    i don't know how he got topical simvastatin, my guess is he got it compounded at the pharmacy; i don't think he mixed it with minoxidil. I don't think he's a troll, he has nothing to gain. 

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