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Posts posted by bbow

  1. 2 hours ago, Oxiborick said:

    Yeah, I thought about the IRS thing. Was very weird about how they were so gung ho about cash in retrospect.

    This was in Nevada which has loose laws about a lot of things so I'm not sure if the violations you mentioned actually occurred there.

    Of those laws do apply you'll have the potential for millions in a medicle malpractice case so it may be worth looking into 

  2. First off, I know I've made a catastrophic mistake in my life and I'm looking for good people like yourselves that have been in this situation or know someone in this siutatation so I can get my life back in order. 

    Long story short I'm a victim of fraud in the worst way possible. I had a beard and hair transplant that guaranteed it wouldn't leave mark. I bought it all up, fell for the Google reviews, and other hair transplant websites claims. Everything out there seemed so positive without knowing the keywords to look for. The amount of deception is despicable. I can't say much at the current time about who and where it took place but it was in the United States. A family of evil individuals with no moral compass. I vividly remember them telling me what a good man I was while they butchered me for the rest of my life. 

    So let's talk about skin texture issues. Cobblestoning. Wasn't even possible the way they take the grafts my butt. There's zero Information about this other than your doomed. And to be honest I'm pretty close to putting a bullet in my head and ending this nightmare. Has anyone been able to correct or improve skin after the fact of a hair transplant? I've done hundreds of hours of research on this topic but there's virtually nothing thag exists. Needless to say I'm not doubling down. I messed up once so I want to make sure my next move is based on the best evidence possible. 

    I read that co2 laser resurfacing has been able to smooth the skin out but find equal reports where it says it didn't do much of anything. Although the American hair transplant institute which is a .org website calls it out as a tool. Obviously ablative skin resurfacing comes with many risks. 

    I also read that dermabrashion can be performed. Obviously that's risky with the potential perminant skin discolorsrion from removed pigmented cells. Or that each graft can be punched back out and then dermabrashion can be performed. 

    Finally I've read that microneedling was able to resolve a guy's issues with frontal hairline cobblestonning. 

    Obviously I've read about cortisteriods and that seems like it's usually a swing and a miss. 

    Look, I'm really hovering a dangerously close line to suicide so I don't need to be chastised further. With that best believe I'll put them all on blast when the all clear comes in. But in the mean time, any sort of guidance would be greatly appreciated. Obviously I've been to other hair cliniques, dermatologists and plastic suregons but they've never dealt with anything like this. 

    Thank you to everyone who takes the time to comment. 

    • Sad 1
  3. Let me chim in with some useful information in the state of virginia. Which may be useful information for you all. In the State of Virginia a surgery is considered anything that requires human tissue removal or incesions (amongst other things). Under these parameters a hair transplant is indeed a surgery. A surgery must be performed by a licensed physician and is not delegable to anyone not holding a medicile license. The only time a physican can delegate removing grafts or making incesions is to a physicians assistance. The physican must be present during all times unless consent was signed by you that a physican assistant would be performing the work. They must have made it very clear to you what you were signing was the delegation of work. There is no circumstance where someone without a medicle license should have their hands on you at any point. Also, medicle consultations must be performed by licensed individuals and post op care must be performed by licensed individuals. If any of these do not apply to your situation I encourage you to reach out to law enforcement where these felony crimes have been committed. Also, this sounds like it's happening in different states at quick glance. Which would make it an FBI matter. Also this opens up the door for a medicle malpractice suit. 

    I also encourage you to write your attorney generals office about the fraud as I'm sure it violates consumer protection acts in your state. Contact the BBB and file a complaint. Reach out to your local municipalities and report the fraud. Also, check into licensing as in the state of virginia a medicle facility must be registered under an active physician. Unless an mso is set up. An mso is expensive and time consuming which may Also be another illegal violation. I'm sure you paid in cash so report them to the IRS. 



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