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Everything posted by mrk

  1. I am under the impression that many people go to Turkey and have success, as paying £10k in the UK or US or EU is just out of most people's remit. Why have I not had any positive fedback with Turkey on this froum so far?
  2. Exactly, which confrims my suspicion on this forum, it's littered with rouges trying to prey on your vulnerability.
  3. I would too... But what were the signs for you. ? In this day and age REVIEWS and FOLLOWERS mean F*ALL How does someone like me, who is pretty wise and aware find his way thorugh all the BS*IT? Vast majority of people on here most likley spam infiltrators!
  4. This is my worry, this forum will be littered with these dogs. Preying on vulnerability!
  5. www.hairgrowthcentre.com in manchester... are these cowboys?!
  6. No, but was told £2000 would get you a full transplant in Manchester UK.. I am not saying the guy way BSing, but I am wondering how much I can trust this forum, I have never heard of a HT for £2000 and espcially not in the UK, if it was that cheap there would be no bald men in the UK!
  7. Can someone link me to some good surgeries that will charge approx £2000 in the UK? Been told it's possible. Save me going to Turkey eh!
  8. Can any mods come on here and accept that this is outlandish!> "£2000 for a professional hair transplant in the UK" is surely spamming on vulnerabilities?!
  9. Mate you can't get a transplant in the uk fir £2k! You must be trying to scam people.
  10. Yes btu this £2k goes against everying we all know, you can't get a hair transplant in the uk for £2k! Either you are using a very shady practice or you are spamming?
  11. I am just confused here, someone saying it's £2000 in uk, then someone says don't bother paying UK prices (meaning they are too high), what os going on? I am under the belief that Turkey is the best value for money?
  12. Thanks, in all honesty though what would I be looking at for a medium size transplant?
  13. Thasnks for th advice all, but yeah price is a factor. £10/15K in the UK or £3/4k in "Turkey". It is clear that there are reputable surgeons there yes? This is why I am asking.
  14. Closest I can see is a Norwood scale 3.... Though I still have a fairly strong front line, the patches seem to be going above the front hairline. I am 38 but in strong light it's very noticable.
  15. I suspect even on this forum, it is infiltrated with reps for these backstreets? Is there a foolproof way to avoid being scammed? What are the best research methods to finding the best surgeris?
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