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Everything posted by ManuT

  1. Amazing hairline you got my friend, congrats what a great job by your Doc, one of the best i seen What medication are you on? Duta, Fin?
  2. Does the payment of De Freitas include the Hotel? I read he used to do that, does he still do?
  3. hi friends, excuse my english please i had a transplant on the front, hairline and a few grafts on the crown for total of 1500, this was 3 years ago I was very happy with the results, but the problem is that after one year, I changed finasteride brands and for some reason got massive gyno, I was very scared, and bought tamoxifen online(its an cancer threapy endocrine medication) I took tamoxifen and after 3 weeks the gyno went down 80%, but the 3rd week the majority of my transplanted hair(not the rest of the hair anywhere) both in the hairline and crown fell off! It happened within a few days and i looked pre surgery like, i then stopped taking tamoxifen My transplanted hair regrew for the first 10 months after this, but then started falling suddnly again and now it's been over a year that it grows for only 3 months and keeps falling. Please help, the Dr's don't know what to tell me and there is little info online about this I read that tamoxifen can attach the cells, even the hair cells and maybe it has permanently damaged my transplant, which is in my prone to baldness area and was in the first cycle of growth What is your opinion? Sorry no pictures Also can you tell me if suntanning a lot and being tan causes hairloss? Thank You!
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