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Everything posted by Haloeffect

  1. Today I buzzed my hair very short. I want to follow the progress easier. Actually I like myself in buzz cut, don’t look that bad as I believed it would.. also a plus that my hairline is strong, so very short makes me look like im not balding in photos.. But now when it’s short it looks like that almost all hair follicles is there, but most of them in the scalp are very short and thin, but no totally bald spots. Makes a difference? Also I noticed scalp looks irritated and red/orange in some places. What does it mean? I show photos also. And thank you for all help, means a lot. Thanks to this firm I’ve made both mental and active progress in just a few days!!
  2. I’m now at fin+min and I will order a demaroller also. Is 1mm good? The hair transplant clinic was a joke, it just felt like a sales pitch for prp treatment. She barely looked at my hair, just very quick and said it’s “male pattern baldness” and couldn’t answer my questions regarding my experiences.. Is prp treatment any good? Worth the money? How many sessions is recommended? i have a hard time apply minoxidil, is it easier if I shave my head? How important is minoxidil? My hair is so frizzy and thick so it takes a lot of the substance when applying.
  3. And what would most likely happen if I do a cheap hair transplant in Turkey? Would it be better or even worse? Can I really regrow from medication? After how long time if it works? the strange thing about my hair loss is 1. No one in my family have male pattern baldness, I’m the only one.. I guess bad luck. 2. It have not not getting noticeably worse after 12 years ago. As far as I remember, most of the hair loss was 12 years ago in a few months (over a summer if I remember correctly). Since then very slow progress (if at all?).
  4. I posted I few photos! thank you, I’ll check that up! Is there any way to tell what’s going on with my scalp? Are hair transplants honest when they give advice?
  5. Thank you! I’ve heard that FUE was superior? also heard it’s good in Turkey, both cheap and good quality. I live in Europe , but can travel.
  6. When my hair is wet and greasy it’s terrible. I took a few photos wet/greasy (no shampo for 6 days) also is photis when long and dry and short and dry. it looks “okay” when it’s airdryied long, but soon as I get outside and it’s windy or rain my scalp shows.
  7. Also I’ve been told by my barber that I have very thick hair on the sides (donor are), and might be a good candidate.
  8. Hello! I’m new to this hair transplant world. Would love to get some tips. I have very thick curly frizzy dry hair, but it went diffuse thinned on top when I was 19. Today I’m 32 years old and not much has changed. Still diffuse on top. But I’m tall and my existing hair is thick and curly, so people in general don’t notice so easily. I have no balding in family, my dad/uncles/brothers/grand parents all have a full head of hair. I was thinking about doing an hair transplant in Turkey, because I have a lot of time now. But where? I’ve read it’s important to have a skilled surgeon because I’m diffuse thinner and have curly hair. Someone know where to go? also, how fast can I do the transplant? Is it a long waiting time?
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