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Everything posted by Happychap

  1. Nice one man! You won't regret it! Keep the faith during the next 3-6 months, the waiting while looking like an ugly duckling can be painful - but it's worth it and you'll never look back.
  2. **6.5 month update** Thankfully the wiry / grey thin hairs have finally started to thicken and density has started to kick in - hooray! I have had friends comment how they've noticed change in the last couple of weeks and I am getting a few more comments / compliments which is nice. I'm stoked with the result thus far and hoping it continues to get fuller / denser over the coming months. Have included some recent photos as well as a pic of my last haircut before heading to Thailand for surgery as a comparison. Have a very hairy Xmas all - thanks for your support and feedback this year. It is much appreciated
  3. Hey man - that's a really good question. I Might need to have a think about that. I would probably ask more questions about the quality of my hair and how that would impact the final result. I put a lot of trust in the Dr and am so far happy with the result ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. Thanks man - yeah currently on daily fin. I don't remember any specific density chat with Dr Laorwong, I was a bit nervous and should have written down some questions. Still only 5 and a bit months so I'm hoping Santa brings me some density at Christmas ๐Ÿ˜‚. If not I will flick the doc a note to see what he suggests. I'm happy with the results this far, made a noticble difference and definetly boosted my confidence!
  5. Here's an update as of today. Just woke up, haven't showered so this is probably it at its worst ๐Ÿ˜‚ Still wispy greys in there and I'd love more density to kick in over the next couple of months. I shall keep waiting patiently ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. You're in for a killer result dude! Just got to grit your teeth during the ugly duckling phase, it's a wild ride. I had completely bald patches, random bits falling out/ growing here and there etc. Was annoying to look in the mirror every morning. At around the 4 month mark it's like my body found the accelerator and floored it. I feel your pain - waiting is frustrating but an awesome result is coming! Keep us posted with updates
  7. Hey dude - Yeah I'm on 1mg Fin a day. Although my doctor told me it was a lot cheaper to get prescribed the 5mg and chop it up so I am doing that. Safe to say they are not always the same size!
  8. Cheers for the encouragement bro. Really appreciate it. Enjoy following your journey too
  9. Thought I would give a bit of an update as I am past the 4 month mark (woop woop!) My hair seems to recently entered a new phase of growth which has been most noticeable from 1st October which was my 4 month surgery anniversary. The hair is thin, wispy and wirey (my normal hair is thin, never had thick or wirey hair) but will hopefully thicken up over the coming months. It also seems to have a lot more greys than my normal hair, seems odd that the new hair growing back has distinct greys when the back of my head does not. Anyone else experience this and did it change over time? Below is how my hair looked One month prior to the pics above at the 3 months 10 days mark ( I seem to have a habit of taking a selfie on the bus on the way home from the barbers!) I also went and looked back at my Thailand holiday photos prior to surgery. The following pics were taken in the week prior to surgery and I'm feeling a little bit excited as I can see the difference starting to emerge! Quite hard to track progress when you look at yourself everyday in the mirror, looking forward to catching up with friends at Christmas who havent seen me for a few months. Hopefully some positive comments from them. Feedback always welcome - let me know what you think!
  10. I'd been in Thailand for a couple of weeks before surgery so I'd sort of got used to the heat. The scarf is quite light, like a bandana, and you have to spritz your hair with lotion once an hour to keep the grafts moist. That was a pain but is cooling. But yeah - she's definetly a hot country and having a scarf on your head doesn't help!
  11. I stayed at Aimhouse hotel which was a super easy walk across an over bridge to the clinic. 5mins max. The hotel itself was ok, functional but nothing flash. I booked a suite so I had more space to relax as I didn't think I would go out much after the surgery. Turns out I was sightseeing everyday with a scarf on my head and didn't spend much time in the room. There will be nicer places around but I didn't see any point going for somewhere with a pool or gym etc as you can't swim or exercise after the surgery.
  12. If my hair looks that good after 6 months I will be popping some champagne. Looks awesome.
  13. Hey man - sorry for the late reply. I used the wise app to transfer money and it was super simple and secure. It was a $20k ThaiBaht deposit which was about $1k NZD. Yeah I dont like having a shaved head, dont think it suits me so went for the non shaved option. Dr Laorwong actually suggested it once I had emailed him photos of my hair. It makes the surgery longer, but I have been able to hide a lot of the evidence that I have had a transplant. Most people dont notice anything is different which is quite nice as im in the ugly duckling phase! I just owned it with the work mates. I dropped it into the group chat with my team so they could rib me over whatsapp before seeing me in the office. To be honest, all I have had is positive comments. Lots of guys have asked me about the process or have confided that they have done research and want to know some stuff first hand from someone has been through it. I have given two dudes the surgeries contact details! Also had quite a few people already know someone who has had it done, I had a number of people who said 'oh yeah my brother / husband etc has had that'. It really wasnt a big deal for anyone, it is more common than you'd think. Good luck with the transplant bro. Doctor Laorwong is a pro and I havent seen a dud result from him. He runs a slick surgery with his team Cheers
  14. 2 months post op today. Fuzzy wispy hair in recipient area but not much change in last few weeks. Still a bit of redness and numbness in the recipient area which hopefully goes in the next month or two. Hopefully able to show a bit more growth for the 3 month update - looking forward to getting out of the ugly duckling phase!
  15. Thanks! I was deciding between Turkey and Thailand, but then realised my air miles would only get me to Thailand so that made the location decision easy. I looked at various doctors work and Dr Kongkiat Laorwong came up time and time again with clean work, good results and good recommendations. I looked at Dr Path as well but he was more expensive so I chose Dr Laorwong. It was 70 or 75 Thai Baht per graft, I cant remember which one. I remember Dr Path being about 10-15 baht more expensive. I'm really happy with my decision and it's been a breeze apart from the pain extracting the hairs during the procedure. I have a sensitive head and that really f'ing hurt! Short term pain for long term gain though.
  16. No worries - This is a pic of my donor area as of today which is day 40 for me. Has looked normal for some time, people don't believe that I've had hair taken from there!
  17. Hey man - I spent 4-5 days after the op in Bangkok, so I had kinda got used to either having a scarf on my head or being out in public. Honestly it doesn't look that bad and isn't enough for people to stop and stare etc. Donor area looked a bit patchy but not scabby. Recipient area didn't start scabbing up until about day 10 whe ln I was back in NZ, and the majority of the scabs washed off in 2-3 days. I had to point the scabs out to people at work, they didn't even notice!
  18. Thank you - I am happy with the outcome, Doing everything i can to look after them in the first two weeks to get the best result!
  19. I did four days post Op where they did the way and laser theropy. I found it quite relaxing having them doing a gentle wash and then laying under the laser. I wanted to do 5 days of LLLTP but needed to leave to get back to New Zealand. I think the long flights may have caused it to swell / hurt. Fingers crossed it is temporary
  20. Thanks man - highly recommend the process so far. Stoked with how it's looking as I'm quietly excited it is going to look good in 6 months and really bring back some confidence.
  21. Thanks man - I have been following your journey, your write up of the procedure and what to expect from Absolute Hair Clinic was detailed and spot on. Yours also looks like wonderful work. Did your donor area have much pain? Mine is really sore and it's day 5. Feel like someones been throwing darts at the back of my head. Not looking forward to ugly duckling phase... but can't wait for 4 - 6 months. It's just a waiting game now huh!
  22. Hi Everyone - thought I would put up a bit of an overview and some pics following my surgery on 1st June. Firstly - there have been some really detailed accounts of Dr Laorwong's work and what to expect at Absolute Hair Clinic (AHC) on this forum and I'd like to say a massive thank you to those that have contributed as it helped me properly prepare for the procedure. When I first walked in to AHC I had that holy s*** moment, I was standing in the place I'd seen in your pics and you'd described on this forum, it was surreal and filled me full of excitement. You guys rock I wont cover off my surgery day experience as it is very similar to others who have posted on here. It is safe to say Dr Laorwong and the nurses are a well oiled machine. They are world class and very focused on delivering the best result. My surgery appt was 1pm, surgery started about 2.30ish, and it was complete by about 11.30pm. I remember woozily walking back to my hotel about midnight (I bought a packet of Gummy Bears and Oreo cookies from 7/11 on the way and ate them to celebrate!). PRE OP PICS - I took these myself while waiting to get my HIV test on the day of surgery: (Please note all these pics are ones taken on my phone so aren't great) DAY AFTER SURGERY PICS The injections in my donor area were painful and the extraction was excruciating at times. The team did everything to make me feel comfortable and could see I was in pain. It is now day 5 and it is still really sore. Flying back to NZ probably hasn't helped. The transplanted hair on the top of my head hasnt hurt at all, during or after surgery. DAY 2 - 3 PICS DAY 5 PICS Hopefully the donor area pain subsides soon as it is my only worry at the moment. I'll post up pics periodically as things change - keen to hear your thoughts thus far. Cheers
  23. Hi everyone, I am about to book my HT and am having massive booking anxiety. Things have gone from 0 to 100 quite quickly after spending hours poking around this forum / the internet in the last few weeks. I have been thinking about my hair in the last year as it seems to be receding at pace. It has knocked my confidence as Iโ€™ve always looked youthful for my age โ€“ not so much any more based on zoom calls / photos. Sigh. It is a lot of money to me and will pretty much wipe out my savings (I have started Airbnbing a room in my house to try subsidise the HT cost). I donโ€™t think I can wait another year to save up, it is now or never or I have to shave it later this year (which will make me look older again) I have contacted both Dr Path and Dr Laorwong for quotes and will be booking with Dr Laorwong. Both seem to have good results but Dr Path was out of my price range so Dr Laorwong it is. I am New Zealand based so Thailand seems the most convenient - thanks for all your recommendations in this forum. I am keen to hear from anyone who was in the same anxious situation, where they spent most of what they had on a HT, how they felt at the time of booking and how they feel now itโ€™s done and dusted and they are living with the results. Would you do it again? Would you rather have thrown the money at the mortgage or something else? Basically being a wimp and looking for some harden the F up encouragement from the online community!
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