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Posts posted by RecycleBin

  1. 2 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Did you check your serum DHT before taking it? I’m really surprised because I’m sensitive to fin and haven’t felt any sexual sides. I did feel a little lightheaded once after applying it. That was it. 

    Haven't checked DHT levels but I got a blood panel done a month prior for all other hormones planning on doing another one in the upcoming months to compare. I used topical fin 0.3% for only a week but still didn't get any side effects either. I know dutasteride blocks both receptors but the two aren't all that different the only thing that stands out is the dosage of it I'll try to apply less and see what happens

  2. Does anyone else think Xyon megadosed their topical dut at 20mg per application? I began using it this week did two days in a row and by day 2 I had noticeable sides which were mild day 1. I decided to wait a week before it using again meanwhile 3 days later all sides were gone. I think the high dosing of it was the problem even if only 5% of the product goes systemic that's still 1mg of dutasteride it's the same as taking the pill. Is there any way to dilute it since its very hard to get coverage with 1 pump so half will be almost impossible to apply. I'm going to stick to 1x a week and see how it goes but rather not do 20mg at one time. 

  3. 1 hour ago, arthurSam said:

    Hello, I found all these files in google pattent. There are all free.

    I also tempted to use topical dut instead of topical fina, my aim is only to get stabilization but I would like to reduce for a maximm the side effects so I am very tempted to try 1x/week topical dut... I think there will be very less side effects than with topical fin but I not very sure...


    Yes I think this is the reason... I wrote a mail to xyon to ask them I hope they will reply to me 🙂

    I'd definitely ask them to do 1% or lower since its a compounding pharmacy they should be able to accommodate. The daily 2% seems like an overkill for sure if my math is correct that'd be 20mg of duta daily even though its topical seems like too much. Im only on day 4 planning on using it 1x a week and so far I've had none of the side effects oral fin gave me

  4. 12 hours ago, arthurSam said:

    In the research paper from Xyon there are 10 persons for the test of topical dutasteride and 3 get big  increased of DHT ... Even more than 100% ! The median of suppression is 12% but with very high negative variations and the mean is an increase (not a decrease) of DHT...



    I am afraid that it will cause a lot of hair loss for these guys no ? This is not happening when testing finasteride :


    You're looking at the data for serum concentration on the topical solutions. The reason why it's not happening on finasteride is because it easily goes systemic therefore you get a decrease in serum DHT levels as shown on Table 7. The data shown for Table 11 seems to be all over the place which is indicative of normal DHT serum fluctuations correlating with testosterone levels. Tests were done 28 days apart so much could've happened in that timeframe the only way to really get good data on topical dut effectiveness is to measure scalp DHT levels. 

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  5. I just received mine yesterday as well and Im still trying to understand the dosage of it. Xyon recommends daily but it's also a 2% product and given the long half life of dutasteride it seems like an overkill even at 3x a week. I've seen other topical dut products and they seem to only be around 0.1-0.3% at most.

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