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Posts posted by Chiku

  1. Hi All,


    Below are my pre-transplant pics, immediate post transplant 3000 FUE grafts( 2000 scalp and one thousand beard), 8 months post transplant and most recent pics with buzz cut.

    I feel the frontal look has improved but I have concerns when seen from the top. Just want an honest opinion if these results are satisfactory and in line with the outcomes one would expect with 3000 grafts.  



    Pretransplantright lateral.jpeg





    8month-Front (2).jpg


    8 month-side.jpg

    Front-Shaved (2).jpg


    Shaved-leftside (2).jpg

    Shaved-side (2).jpg

    • Sad 2
  2. 39 minutes ago, JoDimaggio22 said:

    How many grafts from donor have you had implanted in total? Did that hair die or just all the native hair died and what you have currently is the grafts that were implanted?

    Approximately 6000+. Three HTs were done inn early 2000's when I was in my 20's and was experiencing aggressive hair loss. Lost most of the native hairs which were on their last legs around the first transplant. I was not on finasteride then. Lost the transplanted grafts gradually. Started finasteride after the third HT which stabilized the grafts somewhat. Most recent HT was last year. So currently all hairs on the top are transplanted.

  3. Hi all,


    I have had multiple HTs in the past with severely depleted scalp donor. Still need work on crown and to increase density to improve the top view. Only option is body hair. Any suggestions on clinics capable of doing BHT to scalp. Any recommendations on Dr. A's clinic. Although they have been among the pioneers for HT in India, not much work posted from their clinic recently. 

    All HTs were done at different centers in India, including Eugenix.



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