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Posts posted by J2023

  1. @Otis james I am still doing my research and having consultations with others before i make my final decision. Had one with Devroye yesterday and have one with Mwamba at the end of the month. I have also continued looking into Ted Miln though and havent discounted him by any means yet. I found a couple of people had tagged him and so i reached out to them on insta, one of which was  a lovely chap who sent me befores and afters and has had nothing but good words for Ted and happiness with his result and aftercare provided. Convenience and price tends to make me lean towards him but i am still cautious (especially as he thinks he can do 3500 in one day which all the other top surgeons i have spoken to say otherwise) and wanting to make sure i get a home run with the surgeon i choose.

    Agree with @Rafael Manelli his hairlines look great and this link to skill and care definitely is breeding my confidence in him. 

    Will wait until i complete my rounds of consultations before i make the leap. Please do let me know if you press the button with him in the meantime mate! 

  2. Both his work in general and on you looks great!!

    I have tried to get a consultation with him and his website has disabled consultation requests due to too many being received unfortunately. I have had to request an update for when a consultation request will be accepted :(  It does say they focus on existing patients so im sure you will get the VIP treatment. Good luck with the next HT man! 

  3. Really appreciate the feedback mate. I am consulting Bisanga, Mwamba in Belgium, Ahmad in Netherlands, De Freitas in Spain and awaiting consultation responses from Reddy and Farjo. Arshad appears to have had some density issues in the past year or 2 so have decided not to consult with him. I did also consult with Dr Vida at HS Hair Clinic and wasnt too impressed by the quick in and out attitude, no real care or thought for me as a patient, just drew the line and disappeared. He is on Spex's list of best surgeons though so not sure if i should give him another chance... but yeah currently leaning towards Miln dependent on these other consultations and will definitely post my journey once i finally make a decision. Top surgeons have to start somewhere i guess and if i do use Miln and am happy with the results there is no reason why wouldn't post and help open up another option for the members of this forum :) Just wish some of his patients had already done this lol. 

  4. Thanks @HairFunk. Research has definitely been suggesting exactly as you say in regards most UK places. I have checked out his socials and his hairlines look great and very natural. Following a consultation with him he really seemed to care in his artistry and quality of work explaining the tools he'd use, how he aims to minimise shock loss through the quality of his planting and incisions etc and gave me a good feeling. Just such a big decision and not sure if i want to test the relatively untested (in terms of previous patients i can actually find as examples). 

  5. Hi all, 

    Been researching and prepping for my HT for quite some time but really wanting to make sure i am picking the right surgeon and am now ready to bite the bullet and go for it. 

    I am currently waiting for Dr Bisanga and Mwamba in Belgium, Dr de Freitas in Spain as well as Dr Farjo and Dr Reddy in the UK to get back to me re in person consultations and have had a few consultations  the UK already. Wimpole gave me hair farm vibes so they instantly got scrapped, and HS Hair Clinics Dr Vida barely gave me the time of day so again didn't fill me with confidence. One Dr who did give me really good vibes was Dr Edward Miln at the Westminster Medical Group. He asked the right questions and answered all my queries with confidence and really made me feel comfortble. Trouble is searching for him within this forum has come up with blanks so i am really wondering if anyone has any experience using him and what his results have been like density and hairline wise. His instagram shows good results but we know Dr's handpick their best work for their social media / examples and wanted to know if there were any real life examples in here. I am also being put off by a pretty low price which i might be over thinking (£7500 for 3500 grafts...)


    Thanks in advance for any help! 


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