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Dr. Guncel Ozturk

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Posts posted by Dr. Guncel Ozturk

  1. While we have come a long way and there have been many improvements to make the results look more natural, it's still not possible to achieve a 100% natural look. There are few things you can look to notice a hair transplant:

    Coarse but sparse hair: Hair transplanted hair follicles are different in thickness or density from the existing hair in the recipient area

    High hairline with regularity and density: High hairline that looks unnaturally symmetrical and has high density

    Inconsistent hair growth patterns: Changes in the direction or angle of hair growth

    Scarring: I think it is pretty self-explanatory.

    Density difference between transplanted and non-transplanted areas: Noticeable difference between transplanted and non-transplanted areas

    Unnatural hairline: Hairline looks unnaturally straight or has a sudden change in direction

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  2. That recipient incisions are not meant to remove equal amount of material as grafts that inserted. Instead, the incisions made to create tiny slits in scalp that can accommodate transplanted follicles.

    The recipient incisions are designed to create tiny pockets for the transplanted follicles without expanding the head. The reason incisions do not expand the head by volume or area is because transplanted follicles are much smaller than the punch used for graft extraction with FUE. Additionally, the scalp is very dynamic and elastic tissue that can accommodate transplanted follicles without any significant expansion.


  3. The Nape Preauricular area is known for having fine and delicate hairs, which are ideal for transplanting to the temples, eyebrows, and hairline. These grafts add much of naturalness and provide you more organic appearance.

    It depends on several factors, but a surgeon can harvest between 500 to 2,000 grafts (at most for advanced cases, I would not recommend) from NPA. If you are asking for it, here are 3 disadvantages of NPA donors you should know before getting them:

    • The hair in NPA will be finer and lighter in color than your hair in other areas so it makes it less suitable for you if you have darker/coarser hair.
    • The NPA is relatively small in donor area, and it may not be possible to harvest enough grafts to achieve your desired result, especially if you have extensive loss.
    • Harvesting grafts from the NPA is more time-consuming process than harvesting from other donor areas. Also has a longer healing time.
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  4. Waiting game can be frustrating, especially when you're eager to see the results! The timeline for seeing the actual results varies from person to person. On average, most people start to see some cosmetic improvement just by 6 months, with the full results appearing at 12 months or just after.

    Regarding the time it takes for people to think they look better than they did before the surgery, it's difficult to say with certainty as everyone's experience is different.

    Some start to see noticeable improvement in their hairline as early as 3 to 4 months. Hair transplant surgery is a long-term investment, and it's important to be patient and allow the transplanted hairs to grow and mature.

    If you have any concerns or questions about your hair transplant surgery, please don't hesitate to reach out for further evaluation and guidance. Good luck on your healing!

  5. Hair loss affects different people in different ways. It's difficult to predict the exact outcome for each person.

    Cutting your hair shorter could make it appear less noticeable, but it's also possible that it could make the hair loss more noticeable. I would recommend that you continue to follow your doctor's advice and wait for a year to see the full effects of the medication. In the meantime, there are other options available, such as hair styling or hairpieces, that can help you feel more confident and comfortable. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.

    Best regards

  6. Scalp tightness and numbness are common. They usually resolve on their own over time. However blurred vision and vertigo are not typical side effects.

    They could be related to the hair transplant surgery or could be due to other factors. As these symptoms could be indicative of a more serious underlying condition, I would recommend that you reach out to your doctor for a thorough evaluation. In the meantime, avoid activities that could put you at risk for injury, such as working out or operating heavy machinery, until these symptoms have resolved.

    Please keep me updated on your progress! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.

    Good luck on your recovery.

  7. Hello, I'm glad to hear that you've been making great progress with your hair loss treatment so far!

    In general, it's not uncommon for the body to take time to adjust to new medications, and it's possible that these symptoms will subside on their own.

    The shedding and thinning you're experiencing is a common side effect of taking Finasteride and minoxidil, and it's actually a good sign as it means the medication is working. Concerning the headaches and dizziness you've been experiencing, it's probable that these symptoms are also caused by Finasteride or minoxidil. If you're concerned about the symptoms, I'd suggest reducing both prescriptions to see if it helps with the dizzy and headaches. You can begin by cutting the minoxidil first, and if it does not help, you can cut the Finasteride. I would recommend quartering the minoxidil using a pill cutter, and if you're cutting back on Finasteride, make sure to simply take a reduced dose for a limited time period and not quit abruptly. It's important to monitor your symptoms and if they persist or worsen, don't hesitate to reach out to us or your doctor for further evaluation.

    Please keep us updated on your progress and let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.

    Good luck on your healing!

  8. Vegetarian diets could contain all of the nutrients required for hair development, including protein, if they are well-planned and balanced. While meat contains protein, it is not the sole source; beans, spinach, avocado, and soy products can also supply significant quantities.

    Before & after hair transplant, vegetarians must be cautious of their nutritional consumption and ensure they obtain enough protein and other key nutrients. A dietician may assist in ensuring a well-balanced and healthy diet.

  9. I recommend that you opt for a conservative approach with fewer grafts in the first procedure, with the possibility of a second procedure in a year. This will reduce the risk of over-harvesting and ensure a more natural hairline.

    The option of manually extracting the grafts over two days, as suggested by the doctor, is a reasonable approach to further reduce the risk of over-harvesting. However, it is best to have a thorough consultation. 

    The number of grafts should be personalized to your individual case and taking a step-by-step approach may provide better outcomes and reduced risks.

    Feel free to reach me out if you need any further assistance!

  10. Accutane is a highly efficient treatment for severe acne. However, hair loss is a possible side effect of the medication, but it is usually minor and reversible. You expressed worry about this possibility, despite having undergone a successful hair transplant.  Concerning the danger of hair loss, it is crucial to understand that not everyone who uses Accutane develops hair loss. It can, however, emerge and can be either transient or permanent. It's also worth noting that Accutane might have a negative effect on your scalp. Maintaining a healthy scalp and hair regimen can help support healthy hair growth in your case.

    Ultimately, the choice to go on Accutane is a personal one that should be based on your individual needs and preferences. Good luck on your recovery!

    • Thanks 1
  11. Hello there,

    Those small missing patches are fairly usual 20 days following the transplant.

    Some transplanted hairs will fall out in the first couple of weeks, but they will grow back eventually.

    The time it takes to see a substantial growth and the complete results can vary, several months are enough to see major growth and up to a year to see the entire effects.

    Would highly suggest to follow post-op instructions! Take care

  12. Dutasteride, along with minoxidil, are effective medications for treating hair loss and can slow down hair loss and promote regrowth.

    Based on the images you provided, it appears that you have some recession around the temples and a loss of density on the crown, which can be treated with a hair transplant. Note that they might need using your beard hair as well if your scalp donor area is too weak.

    Hair restoration will not stop your hair loss, but it can improve the appearance of thinning.

    It seems that you are a suitable candidate for a hair transplant, and it could help improving the overall density and coverage of your hair. However, keep in mind that hair restoration is a personal journey and it's important to choose the treatment and surgeon that best suits your needs and goals.

  13. Based on your description, it sounds like you have been proactively addressing your hair loss for some time which is great. You have been consistent with your finasteride and minoxidil regimen for 18 months and have not reported any side effects.

    I do believe hair transplant should be the last resort, considering your young age & the location of your thinning (crown), and the fact that your hairline has stabilized for several years. Tho that is up to you, if you want to get it I believe that a "light filling" procedure, also known as a "spot" or "filling" transplant, may be a good option for you. This procedure involves transplanting a smaller number of grafts to specific areas of the scalp to add density and improve the appearance of thinning.

    Keep in mind that hair restoration is not a one-time procedure, it may require multiple sessions to achieve the desired results. And it's also important to keep in mind that hair restoration will not stop your hair loss, but it can improve the appearance of thinning.

    In conclusion, I would recommend that you consider going with your current meds with natural treatments supporting. Go with a light filling procedure if you want it badly, but it's important to weigh the pros and cons, and consider your age, location of thinning, your hair loss progression, and your aesthetic goals. Remember that hair restoration is a personal journey and it's important to choose the treatment that best suits your needs and goals. 

  14. Based on the photos you have sent, it appears that you have very limited donor supply in the traditional sense, and may not be able to achieve the level of coverage and density you desire through a traditional hair transplant approaches. However, there are a few options you could consider such as:

    Scalp Micro-pigmentation (SMP): As you mentioned, SMP can be a great option for adding texture and creating the appearance of a full head of hair, even with limited donor hair.

    FUE with body hair: Using body hair for transplantation can be a good option for those with limited scalp donor hair. This would require taking hair from other parts of the body, such as the beard, chest, legs, etc.

    Combination of different methods: A combination of different techniques may be more effective in achieving your desired result. It is important to note that each patient is unique and what may work for one person may not be the best option for another.

    Scalp Reduction (Not applicable for all cases): Scalp reduction is a surgical technique that involves removing a strip of hairless scalp and pulling the remaining hair-bearing scalp closer together. This can be combined with a hair transplant to achieve more coverage.

    Your best bet is to consult with an expert surgeon acknowledged with these subjects to determine the best course of action for you to reach your specific needs and goals. Let me know or if you need any further assistance with this.

    Good luck on your journey!

  15. So you are considering having two hair transplant sessions, one year apart, with the goal of covering your hairline, mid-section, and some coverage in the crown area. You have also mentioned that you do not want to take Finasteride before or after the surgery.

    In regards to your question about Finasteride, it is important to understand that this medication is commonly prescribed to help slow down hair loss and promote hair growth. However, it does come with potential side effects which makes you think twice before taking the medication. It is important to weigh the potential risks and benefits of taking it. In your specific case, with diffuse thinning and vertical receding in the crown area, I would recommend discussing the use of Finasteride for its potential benefits for your individual situation. 

    In my experience, some of my patients have achieved good results without taking Finasteride before or after the surgery, while others have experienced better results with the use of the medication.

    In terms of your hair transplant, it's important to understand that everyone's hair loss pattern is unique and it's not possible to predict the exact outcome of your hair transplant without a proper consultation and examination. However, I can tell you that it's possible to achieve good results with hair transplantation alone, however, some patients may experience further hair loss after the surgery. This could potentially affect the final outcome.It's important to discuss all options with your surgeon and make an informed decision that is best for you. I hope this information helps to clarify your concerns. If you have any further questions or would like to schedule a conversation with me, please don't hesitate to reach out!

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  16. Based on your comments, you appear to be a Norwood Scale 5 or 6 at least, which indicates moderate to severe hair loss. The amount of grafts needed for a hair transplant might vary greatly depending on the individual and the extent of their hair loss. Keep in mind that temple work and whole head restoration are ambitious goals that may need a significant number of grafts. Only after a full examination by a hair transplant surgeon can the precise number of grafts required be established.

    Moreover, you started Finasteride one month ago, and it may take some time to observe benefits. It is critical to continue taking it as directed and to have reasonable expectations about the results.

    It is also worth noting that utilizing beard grafts can aid in increasing the amount of accessible grafts and achieving greater density. However, it is critical to get consultation first to decide the best course of action for your specific situation.

    As a surgeon, I advise you to speak with a trained and experienced hair transplant surgeon to identify the best course of action for your specific condition. A correct diagnosis and a specific treatment strategy are required. Please let me know if you require any other support.

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  17. It is critical to recognize that lower-cost choices may include less surgeon participation or employ other procedures that may be less successful.

    I recognize that cost is an important consideration in your choice to get a hair transplant, and that you are seeking for a clinic that provides affordable options without sacrificing quality.

    My advice to you would be keep searching a suitable place for yourself until you believe you found the place within your budget without comprising the quality.

  18. My first concern as a hair transplant surgeon would be that you are properly educated about the treatment and have realistic expectations for the outcome.

    The amount of grafts needed for a hair transplant might vary substantially depending on the individual and the extent of their hair loss. In general, 5-6k grafts can offer proper coverage and density, but it is critical to remember that the amount of grafts you receive is only one element in establishing the procedure's final outcome.

    In terms of the alternatives you mentioned, having a mega session in which you receive all 5k+ grafts in one go, or having the process done in two consecutive sessions, each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

    Mega sessions are advantageous since they may be done in less time and result in a more dramatic alteration. Mega sessions, on the other hand, have a larger risk of problems, such as poor healing or infection.

    The treatment can be carried out in two separate sessions, which reduces the chance of problems and allows for more incremental outcomes. However, it also means that you will have to wait a little longer to see the final result. In terms of strategy, you should strive for a dense transplant in the frontal and mid-scalp areas, and save the crown for the following session, since this will give you the most natural-looking results. In any instance, it is essential to seek guidance to decide the best course of action for your specific situation. 

    Be aware of the risks and recovery time of the surgery. Have good research on the clinic and surgeon. Make sure they have good track records and testimonials. Will be here if you need more assistance. Good luck on your recovery!

  19. It is feasible that the shedding you experienced was a side effect of finasteride, as the medicine can cause temporary hair loss in some individuals. If the shedding you experienced was a consequence of a temporary side effect of finasteride, it is likely that your hair will come back over time. Take it with a grain of salt since hair growth might take several months to a year to return to normal. Hair loss is a complicated topic with several potential causes. The shedding might have been caused by a mix of circumstances, such as the finasteride regimen you were on and the stress of developing COVID-19. Hair growth may be more difficult to obtain if your hair loss is caused by another issue, such as genetics or a medical condition. In these circumstances, working with a hair loss specialist to establish the underlying reason and design a suitable treatment strategy is critical.

    My recommendation is to consult with a hair loss specialist to discover the reason of your shedding and to develop a customized treatment plan that meets your individual issues. In the meanwhile, it is critical to continue taking finasteride as prescribed, as well as to follow a balanced diet and exercise regimen to encourage hair development. Additionally, try utilizing a hair development supplement like minoxidil to encourage hair growth. It's important to address the cause of hair loss and follow a personalized treatment plan. Be patient and get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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