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Everything posted by rocknrollsnob

  1. Hello everyone! I'm on day 6 post of a 3,000 graft transplant covering frontal and mid scalp. Super duper excited for the growth in the year ahead! Single fu's were used on front hairline and then MFU's to fill in mid scalp. I used a saline solution for 3 days then moving to patting motion with baby shampoo on day 4 and bowl rinse. Day 6 now and started to gently massage scabs off. Does this look normal? I noticed small red spots that appeared once scabs were rinsed off. No bleeding, just looks fresh. Thank you everyone!
  2. I’ve been a forum lurker for a while, doing research on all of the well-known surgeons in North and South Carolina. Anyone who doesn’t mind, can you share photos of your final results from Dr. Koher and Dr. Cooley? Thank you guys!
  3. Hey, hair looks great at 6 months. Do you have photos 6 years later? I am going into Jernigan’s next Friday for a consultation!
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