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Everything posted by Jonathan

  1. Exactly, no single good reason mentioned. I find it intriguing, from Killians perspective it was probably to gain some extra views and attention? Even seen his last video with replies asking about verteporfin and instead of addressing it there he said he would address it the next video making it seem like they did use it after all. No response from either Dr Bs. Feel like there’s something we’re not being told.
  2. Really surprised tbh since the group (1 member mostly) funded the trial he was supposed to do last month, now no updates. Not even a “sorry guys been busy, will update soon” lol
  3. Lmao, used verteporfin to catch some extra views. What a mess this is slowly becoming.
  4. So no update from @DrTBarghouthi yet. Maybe it’s good news, he did say some companies were interested in funding a trial maybe he can’t say anything and that’s why he hasn’t updated us yet.
  5. Reach out to him and let him know, he could be the first doctor to use it on body or beard hair.
  6. @DrTBarghouthiany updates on your FUE surgery planned for may? Obviously no results thus far but we just want to know if you’ve done it or postponed or even suspended the surgery. Thanks!
  7. Could be wrong but think he’s referring to the donations from verteporfin.org
  8. I think we already covered one but haven’t gotten any updates on it. I’m sure Dr B is busy on other matters I’m sure he will update soon though.
  9. He’s doing FUT, I don’t think that’s Dr Bargouthi, he’s simply going to be overseeing and helping out on that trial. I’m wondering if Dr B is still doing his FUE trials, which was at .4mg.
  10. Yes I’ve heard of the FUT surgery with a different doctor, he mentioned he was doing FUE with higher dosages than the previous 0.4 but haven’t heard anything since.
  11. Is Dr Barghouthi still starting his trials early May? Anybody still in contact with him?
  12. I think that’s additional, since we reached the $15k goal I’m pretty sure he’s doing another trail with FUE with higher dosages than before.
  13. Exactly what I’m thinking, unless the patient were to be on some AA drugs then it might be possible.
  14. I think just documenting all the exact side effects of having large amounts of Verteporfin injected and making sure it’s safe , seeing the best concentration to use for highest outcome of regrowth and reduction of scarring. We’ve gotten more than 10% regrowth already and are shooting for the most optimal steps on using it on patients rather than wasting any precious donor hair.
  15. I haven’t researched much on HMI to be completely honest. GT20029 sounds amazing but the problem would be huge if it becomes systemic. I also don’t get how it destroys receptors if you have to take it forever. But either way if it’s shown to be safe will be a huge game changer.
  16. Yep unfortunately we wouldn’t be able to test that until they were fda approved, that’s why Verteporfin is so attractive to do tests with it’s already got a good safety profile and we don’t have to wait on the fda to approve of it.
  17. So this would be assuming someone has 20,000 grafts to begin with? I’m not understanding what what you said with the 10k grafts on the first transplant and 10k with the second. I think the difference between verteporfin and minox/dermaneedling is the fact that this treatment stops a mechanism in your body preventing it from scarring your donor which therefore regrows that hair. Scientifically it makes no sense for that to then scar again but I do get your point because the body does crazy things.
  18. Well we know it regrew hair on the FUE, we just don’t know how much. But hopefully it surprises us and FUT does even better than FUE.
  19. This is what I’m talking about, this guy is spearheading this, with a lot of his own money, time, and contacts. Thank you Dr Barghouthi, know you mean the world of a difference for hair loss suffers all across the world.
  20. I have trouble believing that even if this happened people would truly care enough to start their own trails unless it’s a big company that can form it’s own product and sell it. Dr Barghouthi proved to at least lower scarring and even regrowth of some hair and nobody in those fields (that I know of) bat an eye. I wish they would look at what he’s currently doing and trail it for themselves in whichever way they want rather than depending on a hair transplant surgeon to go out of his way and do their jobs for them.
  21. Great video @Melvin- Moderator I might’ve missed it but did Barghouthi state when he was doing the next procedure with verteporfin, and what the dosages will be? Thanks!
  22. T looks way better, don’t know if that’s an old photo previously posted but that’s an obvious difference lol.
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