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Posts posted by Nemiline

  1. Since I suppose you had to put on minoxidil 2x daily including in mornings, were there any advice from dr hasson on the order to apply them?

    Seems that minox needs time to absorb, but if you apply after the topical dut(fin also applies)  it might mess with the continuous absorbtion which is a feature of xyon topicals.

    The only solution I can think of is to only apply minox at night but that could compromise efficacy of minox. If there are instrcutions online from Xyon/Dr hasson I'd love to know too.

  2. 59 minutes ago, Nemiline said:

    Thanks for linking me to their library and your podcast I think I have actually dug pretty deep and gone through all the studies. Unfortunately the 4 studies are  of topcical Fin and I have yet to find any on topical Dut, seems like they havn't relased them yet and not sure if Xyon Experience team would provice on request.

    Havimg to make the decision whehter to choose the topical fin, or choose topical dut instead, i can't just make the blind assunptiom that topical Dut indeed works better than topical Fin. It seems intuitve that topical dut SHOULD work better and I should go for it asap, since it inhibits type 1+ type 2 5ar and oral verison cut dht by higher amount and oral dut version is also proven to be stronger than oral fin in the literature.

    But I cant say for sure for topical dut > topical fin in terms of efficacy as there seems to be not enougb literature out there. Though it has a large molecular size(>500 Dalton's Rule) so it probably won' t get into your bloodstram, downside is it is unclear whether ebough would get into hair folicile to signfiicanr extent/ loeer dht in the tissue  (explained by a Doctor of Pharmacy around 4:00 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cc1MbFDXE7A).

    Thus I probably would like to see more data on the fact that topical dut really has a better outcome compared to topical fin perhaps on haircount (oh btw none of the studies relaeased by Hasson on topical fin actually compares the clinical outcome and supports his statement that the topical fin works as well as oral fin though there are studies stating so from others but they are not perfect either I won't go into too much details here) or at least data that it lowers scalp DHT by a larger amount than Finasteride or at least (not rigorous at all but bette than nothing) some comment on clinical observations that topical dut > topical fin like how Dr Hasson mentioned that topical fin seemed to work at least as well as oral fin and has even better efficacy somehow in the frontal area.

    Oh and more data about Xyon topical Dut's bloodstream absorptiom and reduction in blood dht is probably improtsnt too, as I don't want too much of that in ny system if not any. it seems logicsl that Dut seems to be causing more side effects than Fin (thoigh doctors argue that they have same side effect profile as fin). Even for oral Fin it seems that besides the reversible sides, there could be long term clinical or subclinical negstive effects for taking it (eg paper by Traish but won'tcite too much here), not to mention the really really rare PFS,  so it would seem prudent to make sure that not much Dut really gets into the blood. I am not sure I would be comfortable enoigh to take oral Dut  at this stage either to put it in perspective though I admit I havnt done enough research on oral Dut.

    Sorry for all the messy typos btw and I really can't find a way to edit my post.

  3. 9 hours ago, arthurSam said:

    I attache the 2 files for Fina & Duta. There are public. It is really cool you have the recipe to make your own Xyon liposomal gel 😁




    Thanks for linking the articles, seem like both articles contained info on Xyon topical fin and dut. Unfortunately after a brief skim I canmot find any studies comparing the efficacy between topical fin and topical dut. I will tkae another look tomorrow to make sure. 

    And as Melvin mentioned, there coulf also be other stufies done after the patents are applied that is not included anf  are not yet released.

    i am curious where you found those documents though?

    As for the increase in serum DHT form the topical Dut, I havnt seem this mentioned anywhere else in the literature or other places. My suspect (100% not sure) is that the Dut is not causing that as there are no pathways explaining it. Ive read though that DHT is highly sensitive to other factors so perhaps a change in diet, sleep, or stress levels can cause some fluctuations. i suppose if possible Melvin can ask Dr Hassom this as well.

    PS:  is there any info on the approx time in terms of weeks the podcast Q&A or whatever is scheduled so I perhaps expect when more informatiom (efficacy compared to top fin/ systremic absorbtiom etc) could possibly be released on the topical Dut? So I cam make the decision whether to wait for it or to just act now asap amdmake the choice betweem topical fin/dut now without the info ( and maybe switch perscriptions once those are available)?

  4. 11 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Check their library. I believe they released their studies. Also, they did break down their studies on our live podcast last year. 



    Thanks for linking me to their library and your podcast I think I have actually dug pretty deep and gone through all the studies. Unfortunately the 4 studies are  of topcical Fin and I have yet to find any on topical Dut, seems like they havn't relased them yet and not sure if Xyon Experience team would provice on request.

    Havimg to make the decision whehter to choose the topical fin, or choose topical dut instead, i can't just make the blind assunptiom that topical Dut indeed works better than topical Fin. It seems intuitve that topical dut SHOULD work better and I should go for it asap, since it inhibits type 1+ type 2 5ar and oral verison cut dht by higher amount and oral dut version is also proven to be stronger than oral fin in the literature.

    But I cant say for sure for topical dut > topical fin in terms of efficacy as there seems to be not enougb literature out there. Though it has a large molecular size(>500 Dalton's Rule) so it probably won' t get into your bloodstram, downside is it is unclear whether ebough would get into hair folicile to signfiicanr extent/ loeer dht in the tissue  (explained by a Doctor of Pharmacy around 4:00

    Thus I probably would like to see more data on the fact that topical dut really has a better outcome compared to topical fin perhaps on haircount (oh btw none of the studies relaeased by Hasson on topical fin actually compares the clinical outcome and supports his statement that the topical fin works as well as oral fin though there are studies stating so from others but they are not perfect either I won't go into too much details here) or at least data that it lowers scalp DHT by a larger amount than Finasteride or at least (not rigorous at all but bette than nothing) some comment on clinical observations that topical dut > topical fin like how Dr Hasson mentioned that topical fin seemed to work at least as well as oral fin and has even better efficacy somehow in the frontal area.


    Oh and more data about Xyon topical Dut's bloodstream absorptiom and reduction in blood dht is probably improtsnt too, as I don't want too much of that in ny system if not any. it seems logicsl that Dut seems to be causing more side effects than Fin (thoigh doctors argue that they have same side effect profile as fin). Even for oral Fin it seems that besides the reversible sides, there could be long term clinical or subclinical negstive effects for taking it (eg paper by Traish but won'tcite too much here), not to mention the really really rare PFS,  so it would seem prudent to make sure that not much Dut really gets into the blood. I am not sure I would be comfortable enoigh to take oral Dut  at this stage either to put it in perspective though I admit I havnt done enough research on oral Dut.

  5. 1 hour ago, arthurSam said:

    In the research paper from Xyon there are 10 persons for the test of topical dutasteride and 3 get big  increased of DHT ... Even more than 100% ! The median of suppression is 12% but with very high negative variations and the mean is an increase (not a decrease) of DHT...



    I am afraid that it will cause a lot of hair loss for these guys no ? This is not happening when testing finasteride :


    This is really interesting as it isn't supposed to lower the scalp DHT at all. 


    May I ask if Xyon has released this 2021 reseaech paper publicly, or how did you gaina ccess to it? I would really like to take a closer look at it, especially since Xyon havn't released any research on their topical Dut yet nor any oral explanation have been done yet. I'm really on the fence on chosing between their Topical Fin or Dut and I probably have to start soon, but there is not enough info on whetehr topical Dut really offers a higher efficacy + (maybe) better safety or at least an acceptable level of safety.

  6. On 7/14/2022 at 3:08 PM, hockeyman said:

    I'm interested in trying the Xyon topical. How long does it need to stay on the scalp before it would be ok to shower?  If a person applied this in the morning, is it okay to shower and wash hair in the evening?

    Hello, i would like to know if there are any adivce on this or would it be somehow possible to ask for Dr Hasson's opinion this issue?

    I perosnally wash my hair in the morning before I style it (recommendeded by stylist too to make it clean from oils etc then blowdry it and apply gels/sprays otherwise with the overnight oil secretion my hair looks terrible) and also at night when I shower +wash hair to remove styling products. So basicallt washing my hair twice.

    This might be less of an issue for other formulations, but according to the studies and the youtube annluncement this drug is continulusly permeating into the skin steadily. Dr Hasson said something along the lines in the announcement of that when Melvin asked about MWF applicarion that washing it off would affect the storage of the drug on the scalp. So it seems like even I apply in the morning/evening once the effectivensss might be affected


    On the other hand this might be a terrible idea for other topicals since they have a burst in absorbion in the first few hours(,https://www.xyonhealth.com/article/siloxyssystem-gel-results/), but maybe reapllying a second time could be a solution. This would increase the total exposure of the durg and potentially be a problem, but I am not sure if it matters. Also another main point is thougb xyon finasteeide has a relatively constant flux of aborption (again https://www.xyonhealth.com/article/siloxyssystem-gel-results/)  accoeidng to study 1 the slope is still a bit stepler in the first 8 hours so it might still be a problem overdosing if I reapply it.


    Or maybe the gel couldn't be washed off so easily even with shampoo but I don't think its likely.

    So to summarize Im not sure if there is a way out if I have to wash my hair twice daily.

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