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Everything posted by abrorkhasanov

  1. Hi everyone! Firstly thank you to everyone at this forum who share their knowledge and experience! Yesterday I had a 3 day surgery with Eugenix, personally the whole experience and surgery itself went great! Shoutout the whole Eugenix team, especially considering I had issues with providing medical records on time, but they still assisted as much possible. I went with the senior doctor and team option in case people want to know About myself: Age: 32 Bald pattern : NW7 aka Hair Gone Gone Donor Zone: Poor Beard Donor: Okay Total grafts: 5300 (I think so, just messaged to team for confirmation haha, forgot to make a note and overall tired and can't remember exactly) Back hair: 4200 (approx) Beard: 1100 (approx) No meds: But will try going for Fin EOD 0.25 at first and see if I can tolerate, had brain fog before unfortunately. Also planning to jump on oral minoxidil in a month at 2.5mg Overall personally, since I have been losing hair for a longest while and know and understand the drill, I was very honest and realistic about my expectations, which was a coverage if possible and if not, just framing of the face at first and if possible a second surgery to fill out whatever. I had my initial consultation with Dr Sethi in London, at which point he provided encouraging words and said that they can easily do the surgery and that I have enough hair for a procedure actually (I was fairly surprised about tbh). So I booked through everything and finally done it. As you can see from the pictures the donor is not great (again was fully aware of it and the risk it entails), so hair was taken all over the available safe space but in very careful manner so it's not just one giant empty patch afterwards. Also actually when extracted the doc actually said, that I have more donor than initially expected and can do another 1.5 to 3k surgery afterwards if I wish, which was very encouraging to hear (and again, surprising)! Beard certainly not gonna be dense as it used to be, but it never was super dense either so that's that. Surgery itself was super smooth, long as hell, but rather slow and careful, than fast and dangerous lol Looking at myself before and after, simply WOW, hairline, transplanted hair and coverage at least currently, looks fantastic! Obviously I do not anticipate some crazy density, again had realistic expectations from the beginning, and knew what I can achieve with what I have, so framing overall was more important (plus I'm planning to combine SMP later once hair growths properly, for a bit of a denser look anyhow, which the doctor was very supportive off!) I think that's pretty much covers everything! Let me know your opinion and questions if you have Shoutout to the whole team at Eugenix!
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