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Everything posted by Bean321

  1. The donor at the back can be seen in the last picture, on the sides it seems that it is very thin but maybe the back will suffice? I am kind of worried about this medication, But If I will start taking it - What sort of results should I expect? And is it a bad idea to go for a surgery now?
  2. Hey everyone, I 30 years old man trying to figure out where to take a transplant that wont be too costly but still yield solid results. I have been recommended Dr Serkan Aygin but after further research (mostly because I found this site, gotta thank you guys for that) I realized its a risk and I *might* be leaving with more harm than good. I checked the recommended section and found 3 doctors in turkey that seems like they be good candidates (Dr Ozlem ,Dr Dogan, Dr Resul), but i feel like I'm not informed enough to make a decision, especially because It dosent look like i have the typical pattern baldness (Mostly crown and overall thin hair). I doubt almost everything right now which makes me feel alone in all of this. Thus, i post here for your help so i might get some clarity and an informed opinion on my case. About me: 30 year old, middle-eastern man. No medication at all (not even minoxi). Been with very thin hair since the age of 16~, balding around that time aswell. (might be genes + mental + other factors) Pics: I currently feel very isolated, even when i talk with the people around who want to take the surgery as well - they just dismiss me as being a "worrisome" and generally not caring (Boggles my mind, it is a surgery, not anything less). I just want to have full hair, that's all 😔. Any form of help will be very appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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