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Everything posted by Baldski

  1. I wonder how this guy will feel when he is 70 years old with a negative norwood hairline! 😅
  2. Very nice! Looking forward to seeing the pictures from the clinic!
  3. I can't send messages yet for some reason 🤔 Send me a DM, that might do the trick!
  4. I suppose every doctor and their practice office is different. Make it as easy for them as possible by giving them the dates and which blood tests results (all on one document which Clinica De Freitas will send you) you need. I'm sure you will get them no problem. Regarding taxis, I heard there is an app called FREE NOW which I believe is a European version of Uber basically. The hotel is only 15 minutes from the clinic, I would much prefer to walk on the way there and stretch my legs, however they say not to exercise for 5 days before surgery ... so I'm not sure 15 mins of calm walking would count 😅
  5. That's good to know, the flash and close up shots will only highlight that area so what you say makes sense. When considering those two things, it makes your donor area seem even better!
  6. Getting blood tests were quite easy. I just phoned my local doctors and said I am having surgery on this date and I need certain blood test results by this date. I was then sent a link to the where I selected a time and date for my blood test. They asked if I had a letter from the consultant/doctor requesting the blood tests. I then copied the document which Clinica De Freitas sent me (which listed all the specific blood test parameters) and emailed them this. A few weeks later I went for the blood tests and received the results a couple of days later and sent them to Clinica De Freitas. This process was something I was apprehensive about but it was all fairly simple in the end 🙂
  7. Do you have a lot of growth now? We would love to see an update!
  8. I think it looks on track so far! It's reassuring to hear that your confident about getting skin fades in the future as I had the same worry. I have noticed that some of Dr De Freitas's patients area of transplant is very pink and quite obvious that they have had a transplant (even a few months after). I wonder why this is and with some other doctor's patients this isn't the case 🤔 Does the pink/redness bother you much? I have my transplant with Dr De Freitas in March so hopefully you post some more updates by then 😀
  9. I'm going to Dr De Freitas in March, so I will let you know how the transplant goes and also transport!
  10. Would love to see an update ... your hair was already looking so good at only 6 months!
  11. The design looks great! How are you getting along, do you have any updates for us?
  12. I got mine done after contacting my GP and putting in a request. I also thought I would be rejected but I got it done fairly easily and have surgery with Dr. de Freitas in eight weeks 😀
  13. How did your transplant go? I am also from the UK and need to get a blood test (which covers specific things). Where were you able to get this done?
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