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Posts posted by Vortex

  1. Objectively, I shouldn’t be worried: this will be my first HT, I’ve researched for years before making a decision, I’ve been on medication for a substantial amount of time and I’ve chosen a well established doctor that is considered elite here. Regardless, I am feeling a bit nervous and having negative thoughts about it possibly all going wrong.

    I’m sure a lot of you can relate to the mental toll hair loss has on you, especially when you’ve been dealing with it for so many years - I guess it just feels like there’s so much much riding on the surgery going well as it’s such a large investment (financially and mentally), and you just never know what’s going to happen. I have tried to minimise the risk of the result being sub-par as much as I can, so now it’s just a case of waiting and having the surgery. For those of you who have had surgery already, any tips?


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  2. Besides the obvious pre and post-op consumption rules (caffeine, smoking, alcohol), I’m a bit stuck as to whether consuming sweet foods/drinks is totally fine, or whether it could harm the grafts/recovery in some way? Im thinking more along the lines of fruit, rather than lots of cakes and sweets.

    Does diet play a significant role in graft survival?

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  3. 7 minutes ago, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    I think it’s safe to use your discretion either way. There’s nothing wrong with taking a walk after surgery however, if it’s raining really hard or snowing and your head is not covered, I suggest going the taxi route. Besides, if you feel fatigued or you’ve taken medication that makes you drowsy or woozy then I also suggest taking a taxi. Again, use your discretion and be safe.  Most importantly, follow your doctors instructions and enjoy the experience.

    Best wishes,

    Rahal Hair Transplant 

    Thanks, I’ll definitely bring an umbrella with me just in case. I guess I will just see how I’m feeling after the procedure and will definitely ask the doctor on the day

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  4. 9 hours ago, WhereIsMyMind said:

    I was paranoid about this, after my first night I realized this fear was pointless, there's no way I was gonna touch myself and didnt care about it and never had a problem since.

    The human brain is somewhat smart at not touching wounds while sleeping which makes sense... imagine our ancestors scratching open wounds with dirty hands while sleeping... not too efficient... they would get infections and die very often 😅.

    Well that’s encouraging! Tbh, I’m not sure if people rubbing/scratching freshly implanted grafts is something that happens often, but I guess it could. Just don’t wanna take any chances haha

  5. 1 hour ago, mister_25 said:

    I remember Melvin recommending a surgical cap or something like that.

    I scratch my head all the time in my sleep, from my experience when I had the HT I didn’t scratch in my sleep until the three week mark when the itching started to get bad. I scratched until there was a bit of blood.


    Ah ok will look into it. I feel like sleeping is gonna be the most stressful part of the whole procedure haha, just don’t wana accidentally rub it whilst I’m asleep

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