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Everything posted by berlin22

  1. Thanks, I will take a look almond oil great tip! It is rather frustrating as I am obsessing over it and seeing little/no improvements. I picked a couple of times, which is not great either. My doctor only recommended continuing the non-medicated shampoo which the clinic gave me daily, but I'm afraid that is/was drying it out even more. Thankfully from day 30 (this coming Friday) I have more freedom with what I can use on my scalp And one question, it didn't affect your growth and final results?
  2. I had my transplant on the 25th Nov in Turkey. Since all the scabs were removed from my scalp it has suddenly become super dry and though my doctor asked me stick to the mild SecretAge mild shampoo, I have used a mild shampoo a couple of times, nizoral once , and gone a couple of days without washing. Im coming up to 30 days in the 23rd, and my doctor suggested I can then start using nizoral (he recommended not using it before). It’s frustarting bc most posts or people who I see do not have this dryness and redness. I also stupidly at the weekend went out and smoked A LOT of cigerettes and had very little sleep not the wisst choice Ive made. Does it look fine? These photos are from post weekend. There are also parts of the transplant area which I press now that feel a little sore like ‚bruise‘. I hope I haven‘t completely destroyed and wasted time doing this. Please let me know if you have any advice
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