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Posts posted by mofo

  1. Hi all, I've been lurking here on and off for awhile and am so appreciative of the honesty and organic references, thoughts, etc. Researching this stuff online makes you go nuts, never knowing what's real and what are fake reviews.

    I'm in Los Angeles and and wanting to do this this spring. I've narrowed it down to Turkey or Mexico. In Mexico, Nadar Medical is looking like a solid choice. They are saying I will need 3500 to 4000 grafts, costing $7700-8400 (including hotel). This is a little more than I was hoping to spend, although I know its a lot cheaper than in the States.

    I haven't gotten any estimates from places in Turkey, but these 2 doctors seem to come up in this site often: Dr. Turan in Istanbul, and Dr. Pekiner in Ankara.

    It seems it might be cheaper in Turkey, but then after weighing the cost/time of flights, etc...not sure which option would be best.

    Does anyone have any other solid recommendations for clinics/docs in Mexico or Turkey?


    Any other thoughts/opinions would be hugely appreciated!!






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