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Everything posted by Wallaby_Upstairs

  1. btw, I am not the head moderator, droog_uk is. As far I know, he is the only one with full mod privileges on that site. I only relatively recently got the ability to ban people.
  2. Thanks @Melvin- Moderator what you wrote was well written. Please DM me anything you have a problem with on Reddit because I don't go here as frequently. But I will absolutely take a look at anything you share with me
  3. Gatsby, thank you so much for taking the time to find that! Now for the explanation: That's not me. That's another moderator named FUEUF. Look at the top of the chat, it's a completely different user name. There's 4 moderator, the head mod Droog_uk, gokiburi_sandwhich, the one in your chat, and me. This is why it's so important to go to the link of the source so that we can establish a factual timeline. There was a mixup between me and another moderator. Thanks god it turned this way. It really seemed that you were ready to never speak to me again. This resolution almost didn't happen.
  4. Quick update, I was wondering if there are multiple private threads possible for the same user. It would explain the DM disconnect between me and Gatsby but not the other stuff. But it would be start. I just went back three months of my messages, when Gatsby first made his comment, and I don't see any other thread from him. Again, the only thing that was in there was what he posted a screen shot of.
  5. I do not like being on your bad side, but anything that we can do to find the source of our interactions. I feel that there is a big disconnect. I would like to clarify things. But yeah, like you posted the screen shot of, my 3 messages to you are the only thing in our chat history. Perhaps there are other DMs, and if you reply to one of them, it will appear on the whole thing. I appreciate your attitude toward hair mills. For those out of the loop, on Reddit, a moderator can not delete comments, just remove them from their own subreddit. Mods are always able to see a copy of the comments, and well as the users. If you go to Gastby's reddit profile, he only has a single comment. Furthermore, you can can use tools like unddit, removeddit and others to see any mod removed comments directly on the subreddit, so you get moderator view. Again, no removed comments from Gatsy's profile in the thread he commented on. Don't need to take my word for it, any other subreddit will verify.
  6. I'm saying I haven't been able to find anything. Like you saw in our chat, there's only the four messages I sent you. Just in case somehow somewhere there are other messages, can you send me a message. It might push the chain through and we might be able to see everthing. But I'm looking at our chat box, and there's only the 3 messages I send you.
  7. I really don't have a strong opinion on Bicer. Again, if you could just link me where the issue occurred, I would love to wrap my head around where you are coming from. But at the moment, so you seem to be coming from a different reality, and you probably perceive that way about my comments too. Lets link where the issue occurred, so that we can resolve the disconnect. But it's impossible without going to the facts and source. You have looked at your account and seen what's there. It seems that you are in a state of mind where you are not believing anything I say, but maybe I can convince that I definitely 100% can not delete chat messages. It's totally impossible I believe on any platform.
  8. Yeah, like I mentioned, the only messages I see in our chat are the ones I sent you, and that you posted a screen shot of. I am unable to find any DMs like what you describe to me. That doesn't sound familiar to me. Can you link where I said that? I am not familiar with Bicer one way or another. I'm having a hard time imagining any context where I would say that. Again, can you link me the discussion? Evidence for what? That doesn't sound like anything I would do. Can you link to me where you think this happened? Mods can't delete comments, only remove them. Anything that was removed can be re instated. Perhaps it was another moderator. Please send me a link so that we can get to the bottom of this. But even though mods can remove comments, they still appear in your user profile. When I got to your user profile, your only single comment that you linked are there. So no moderator on any subreddit has every removed your comment. Also, I don't believe lopsided is a moderator, like, anywhere. He can't delete your comments. Okay thank you for your consideration. There seems to be a disconnect between what you're saying. It seems to me you may have gotten mixed up at some point. Stalking?? I have great respect for you, you have a high volume of helpful and informative comments, and I appreciate every hour you put into the community. I understand that you have too many good things going on to spend more time on this. I appreciate the efforts to bring things to my attention but so far my guess is that you got mixed up at some point.
  9. I just put out a statement clarifying that rule 2 protections have extended to all non-public members of the hair transplant community. Thank you Melvin for bringing this up to my attention, which led to the rule improvement of my subreddit. Although I can be criticized for banning someone about a rule before it's even created, I have given a 1 week temp ban to this user, and considering longer. I rarely ban, if you follow the thread on reddit I posted in the modsupport subreddit, you can some of the justifications why I don't ban often and if I do it's temp bans. The vast majority of the time they correct their behavior. But I also wanted to send a message that we should approach each other with empathy. I can also be criticized for not going far enough. I know Melvin will be one of those people, and I will take in that criticism but I'll also say, look inwards. Thank you Melvin for providing additional details of the IP reveal, it'll inform my statement, and if I do put out a statement, I provide that statement in it's full context, and like all statements about HRN, HRN will always be allowed to provide a statement that I'll gladly edit into my post.
  10. Hi Gatsby, Yup, that pretty much aligns with my experience. In my chat those are the only messages on there. And yeah, that's the only comment I see from you on there. Did you say that we had a long chat before? If so, I'm not sure why they aren't showing up on chat but this is the first time hearing that you tried to contact me.
  11. I removed the comment, he edited, and then I re-approved it. I will be making a statement shortly. I may need to make one as well if you did indeed expose one of your users IP address at some point in time. I have a link to the post in question, you wrote " I removed the IP, but confirmed this is definitely the same person and banned him for duplicate accounts. " Which indicates to me that you did expose it at some point in time. Please provide any additional details you can about this situation.
  12. Qui bono, linked me the thread, it appears Melvin took it down a long time ago. It was still messed up that you published his IP in the first place.
  13. I'm trying to get to the bottom of the disconnect. You said we shared private messages? But when I look at the chat history from your account, I just see the msgs I send you yesterday
  14. Melvin, qui bono shared a screen shot of you showing his ip address?? Melvin, WTF. Not cool, please delete this immediately. There is no excuse for this. None. His words
  15. Yeah, but nobody has to worry about me. I'm not so sure about the patients, who have posted reviews criticizing Dr Diep. Diep Can know who they are easily. Some are probably in the same state as him. There's at least one in the same county has him.
  16. I asked he said that he shared never ever shared any photos that someone sent to him privately, he's only shared public photos. He also linked me a comment made a month ago about this accusation made against him. I checked the patient account in question and I don't see anything like that. I can link the comment if allowed. For the lopsided pair accusation, there seems to be two completely different sides, and he has provided more concrete evidence. That doesn't mean the case is closed, perhaps there does exist the screen shot you mentioned. But like I've said many times, it's important to establish the factual timeline first. As I mentioned, I would have deleted that comment against Adrian if I could find it. I couldn't. Maybe comments were deleted, but all users are entitled to rule 2 protections. For the 'Cyberbullying', I can't quite figure our your full reference. Qui Bono or lopsided pair? Are you saying Qui bono was posting pictures of you? As far as I can tell, he is not. I don't know the whole story between you, it's long and convoluted. From my limited experienced in trying to conflicted resolve between you two, there seems to be two sides of the story. Maybe one is more right than the other. In some disputes, sometimes there is no 'other side', but my impression is that there certainly is for this case. You may feel justifying in your perception that Qui isn't being truthful. Qui feels justified in his remarks. For in recent history, for the most part he has shown more effort in moving on than you have. In recent history, he has shown to the bigger man. To be clear, I have pushed back on both of you when I have listened to both your stories. When the Konior situation first came up, Melvin spend HOURS of his precious time trying to help Qui, for free. I told him that he should appreciate that. And I am hoping to elicit some sympathy from you to. You are doing way better than he is. You've had successful hair transplants, your hair looks fantastic right now. He last procedure failed. Perhaps these images in mind would allow you for some more impulse control when you feel like delving into that drama again. Again, my most sincere advice to the both of you is to move on from each other. There is a path where neither of you have to mention each other again. Then there's lopsided pair. I say duke it out as much as you want. You both seem to accepted that it's never ending. He is the one that is posting pictures of you and criticizing you. And I don't see you holding back either on this forum. As a public figure, I must allow for more leeway, but I have also deleted multiple comments from him, as well as others, on your behalf. EDIT: Qui bono asked me to put this correction, that Melvin didn't spend hours of his free time on him. Apologies, what I know of the whole ordeal is messy and convoluted.
  17. To be clear, this is a speculative comment made on a memory of something that was relayed to him. If anyone has a link to the comment made, would love to see what happened, and also get the patient's take on it.
  18. I posted a thread on the modsupport reddit where all the mods are admins, apparently this stuff like this happens all the time with other subreddits. Really good discussion, which lawyers popping in, you can find the thread if you follow my post history
  19. Again, I would need a link the the comment to see the context. Like with the person defending Bicer. Him making legal threats was not something I would have imagined from what you described, but seeing the actual link and the context, to me the situation wasn't quite as described. Not saying it's a fault or anything, it's impossible for a summary to get everything right. That's why it's important to ground claims with sources and establish a factual timeline. If you want to get into the cyberbullying paradigm, I invite you to examine non-sequitor bringing up of qui bono . He is banned from your forum, he is trying to move on from this, and his post history seems to indicate some success for this. He is not a public figure, and there are people who know his real identity based on his account. You are doing way better than him, you have successful hair transplants. His last one didn't work out. When you make statements about him on this forum, he can't defend himself, and he trying to making an effort to move on from the drama. You non-sequitor bringing him up has trigger him to consider making a post defending himself. I was saddened to hear that considering the time I spend working with him. Please, just leave him alone. You and lopsided pair can duke it out as much as you want. You both seem to enjoy it. Qui Bono is a different story. As for Dr Bisanga, I won't heavily police comments made about public figures. Your rebuttal to his comments are more convincing to me, however, that discussion needs to be played out, not censored. "It may take me time to approve because I have million things to do. I" Before the December 2022 update, he posted an update before. I can't remember the exact timeline, I think he showed it to me early 2022. He has an earlier post that was stuck in the mod que for over a year. Later on in that thread, someone posted a reddit link, and I saw that you edited out the reddit link. So it's hard to imagine that you didn't see that post that was stuck over a year when you did that. Again, this is my understanding and perspective so far. Would appreciate any missed details you are able to provide.
  20. Qui bono has seen this thread and wanted me to give a correction that he never considered him and Melvin friends. I mistakenly got that impression when I heard you two used to send each other private messages before things deteriorated. I see the Jim Craig post. I removed the comment for being speculative imagination, though the account he was replying to was much more problematic I found. I would have banned it if their account wasn't deleted. It's hard to tell since the account is deleted, but it seems they attacked him first. The 2nd post I have saw and leaving it up. Even though you have a post history in our subreddit and therefore entitled to rule 2 protections, you are also a public figure and are open to criticisms. That being said, I understand how this would suck. I try to keep this in mind. If this popped up on the holidays like that thanksgiving thread, I would have removed it and asked him to put it up later. That being said, this decision is absolutely not above criticisms. Thank you for grounded your assertions in these concrete examples. For the Bisanga post, the first part is speculation on activity that's occurring on this forum, which I am leaving out of my policing. You or anyone else are welcome to debate that comment, but that is something I won't censor. You are absolutely in the right to point out how his assertion that Bisanga is a fictitious imagination may or may not be grounded in reality. But simply deleting the comment is not that way. I don't have a link to that comment, so I'm not sure if anyone pushed back on it. I have my critiques about the HRN leadership, but for the users, I have always maintained that HRN has the superior userbase community when it comes to knowledge, it's why I recommend people come here, along with the corpus of user reviews. What follows is what appears to me a technical breakdown. If the facts are wrong, those should be debated, but I am not going to remove a factual or attempts at a factual basis. "It is said with the intent to damage the surgeons reputation/credibility, " I have to push back on this, you don't know why he said it. It could be that's his genuine opinion and his intent is to provide this best information possible. He has done many technical breakdowns of why he is not a fan of his work. People are free to push back on that technical breakdown. Since our mod team has no revenue that is sourced from doctors, there are no financial biases that would prevent us from putting the full force of our moderating decisions on doing what's best for the user, including without threat of litigation. I understand that as a smaller site than reddit, the latter may be a luxury that might be out of your grasp. As for the JimCraig banning or lack of, I would love to hear more. His take is that he is heavily moderated. I don't remember what caused him to be heavily moderated or his take. But he showed me screen shots of his Dr Diep update not being approved for over a year. From the screenshot, I saw nothing rule breaking. His take is that since none of his posts were being approved, including the update which I thought would be useful to your community, he is effectively banned. Someone else posted a link to his reddit update, which you edited. So it seems that you were actively moderating his review thread, but still wasn't approving his update. That's his side of the story, I would love to hear your side.
  21. Hi Gatsby, every post I've seen you make is well reasoned and well informed, so I take whatever you say very seriously. You're KookyStatistician107 right? I had no idea you dropped by. I send you a private message there, I didn't see any previous chat messages. From your account I just see one stand alone comment. It could be that you deleted your messages, but speculative imagination is not encouraged on my forum and this seems like blatant violation of rule 2. If you can provide me concrete examples I could provide moderation accordingly, but from your account history I don't see anything like how you dscribe. But like how I would not tolerate speculation of who you are working for, I would not tolerate speculation of any diagnosis of mental health. People should work towards a factual timeline when there are disputes.
  22. The only concrete observation you pointed out is Bicer, everything else is speculation, something you just complained about previous in this thread. " these are exactly the type of people". Again, I can only discuss concrete examples, I have no interest in debating with your speculative imagination. This is why I always move towards a factual timeline, so we can discuss facts. So for you have make speculations about something happening, but you have yet to ground it. If you link me the Bicer conversation, I can give you my full thoughts and make the appropriate deletions appropriate. We have a strict civility rule on our subreddit, and what you describes breaks that rule, and I would remove it. I don't have a godview, but when I see rule breaking comments I remove them. I have removed comments from both of those users against you. So you insistance on the no check narrative, as far as you describe it, has no substance. I just took a look in the Konior thread and I removed a comment where he claimed you were trying to gas light him. "I don’t know why you’re gatekeeping what is useful or productive to our users. " You think speculating on my modship and these users is useful to your users? Then provide concrete examples, and as I said, I don't mind if you want to continue this line of discussion. You brought up an example of incivility towards Dr Bicer's rep, and the way you describe it, would not be allowed on my subreddit, I would gave that rep the same courtesy I gave you, multiple times. I can see how you think the Bicer example is interesting to your users. But I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around unsubstantiated claims about my moderatorship is useful to your users. Regardless, like I said, I am more than willing to engage. You still haven't provided any examples of qui bono's behavior on my subreddit. You gloated about living rent free, but it seems that you both are living in each others heads. I gave this advice to him and I'll give it to you, move on from that drama. If you want to point any rule breaking behavior from him, I would appreciate that. But it's best if you two just forget about each other, which I understand is easier said than done since you two used to be close friends. " Ultimately, you’re a volunteer mod. I don’t believe you have any responsibility to protect these users. " Thats right. None of of the reddit mod team is paid. We don't get money that originates from surgeons, or anywhere. We are free to moderate and comment without financial bias. No single person in the hair transplant community has a responsibility, but the many contribute many hours, for free. There are people who have finished their hair transplant journey, but stay afterwards and continue to spend hours and hours of their valuable free time just helping other people, and we should do everything we can to enable these people.
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