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Posts posted by DeltaV

  1. 4 hours ago, HairRegrow183 said:

    I'm in to 3rd month of post op. I've started seeing 3-4 grey hair which were not there before for sure. It's really putting me off sometime.

    I know what you feel and I was in the same place a year ago. When the 4-5 grey hair grows a bit in the hairline, I pluck it off and I feel better. But they come back again in couple of months time. I always wonder where those grey transplanted hair came from.

  2. 20 minutes ago, A_4_Archan said:

    How would i know that...😅

    Am not someone who has any authority to nominate/denominate me or any other member here...so let's see what comes out of the box...

    Regardless of who the moderator or panel members are, its u, me and all of us who will make the forum running and helping people around the globe when it comes to hair related issues..Moderator or few special members can't make a community ,its all of us who make it and its all of us who will keep running and improving.

    The notion that a community is shaped solely by a moderator or a select few is flawed; instead, it is the collective contributions and actions of every member that define and elevate its quality. Each individual has a role to play in fostering a positive environment and driving continuous improvement within the community. It's a collaborative effort where everyone's participation and commitment are essential for its growth and success.

    I would bet on you mate. Good luck.

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  3. 58 minutes ago, A_4_Archan said:

    I agree there should be a specific time frame to review a doctor..look at the work he/she has done in this specific period and act accordingly.


    I agree to this and that's why a panel formation would be a good idea and the panel should also consist of one or two experienced and ethical doctors...its easy to criticise a result but we also should keep in mind that there are so many factors affecting the outcome of a surgery plus we have good knowledge of the process as whole but the fact is that we are not doctors and that's why a doctor's role would provide a better value to the panel. 



    Yeh i agree to this that there should be unbiased opinion...as far as what my take on this is that there are members who are taking laid back approach(may be unintentionally) when it comes to criticising doctor's work ,which gives wrong impression many a times plus there are many members who are being too aggressive and assertive in their approach which is also not good..actually there is a fine line to stand on..if you be on the right side of it,it can look anti patient and if you be on the left side of it,it looks anti doctor ..so standing right on line would be better which would balance things out..and there are only very few people who are standing on the line and being objective and who are not leaning on either side of the line.

    I understand your concern and motive behind this..what you are aiming for is that this will help patients in avoiding those unethical clinics/doctors...i agree the hairmills should be called out but i would TOTALLY DISAGREE to call out a specific country or name it and shame it just because there are many doctors who are following unethical practices...i believe in calling out clinics/doctors who are doing this without naming any country..there are good doctors in turkey and there are many bad ones and this is situation in every country...there are such hairmill/unethical practices being followed in my own country(india) and same thing is going on in USA ,Australia, UK and many other parts of world. 

    A good doctor, regardless of his location or country rules would follow ethical surgical protocols and rules which they have been taught when they get their degrees and this thing is same all over the world...no school or university in the world would have ask them to do such unethical practices and always taught them to follow surgical norms and to keep patient's intrest on the top. So please kindly call out such doctors/clinics without adding any country name to it.

    @Z-- you have earlier stated that the forum is taking a hit for being biased and i would agree on that..there is indeed a lot of chatter regarding many issues and i personally talk to so many people who are active on different forums and there is this perception which needs to be addressed.

    I believe there are some things for which the forum or the moderator is being unfairly targeted and there are some issues which could have been addressed better and we should accept the hit on our chin for that and should accept that they all have been fairly criticised.

    But as long as there are members like @Z-- @Melvin- Admin and many more, we can fix anything which should be fixed as we are all open to the criticism and happy to address them.


    @A_4_ArchanIs that you the frontrunner for next moderator?

  4. 6 hours ago, consequence said:

    Man you are one moody miserable cuss. Half of what you say contradicts itself, you generalize your perceived experience at one clinic as reflective of an entire country of a billion people (and the third world in general), you're rude and dismissive to other forum members and you generally come across as disingenuous. You being a UK Indian or whatever doesn't make insulting India okay. It makes it worse.

    This whole lateral hump thing that you keep claiming seems sketch af. One moment you say you asked them to stop the procedure prematurely, then the next you say you pointed out to them that they stopped the procedure prematurely. Pick a lane man.

    And frankly, look at your results -- Eugenix did world class work on you. You've got hair that most people on this forum would kill for. Show some f*cking gratitude.

    I'm not saying your complaints are even inaccurate. You may be spot on, Eugenix seems like it's expanding at a massive rate and maybe you didn't get the personalized MD attention you thought you paid for. But that's not the point. Even if you have a complaint about a clinic, there's a way to express it with grace and humility rather than with arrogance and disdain. The amount of self entitlement you've shown in this thread is truly astounding.

    And in case you're not putting it together, let me just ask you this: do you think any surgeon that uses this forum is going to want to work on you when it comes time for a repeat procedure down the line?

    You're a nightmare patient.

    Still Not in the mood😛

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