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  1. thank you for the answer. I heard that if you stop taking minoxidil, the hair loss can accelerate. Is it the same with fina?
  2. Hello fellow balds. I'm 28 from France. I always knew I'd end up bald but never really noticed the hair loss. I think lockdown really hit me hard as just before I still had a good amount of hair: During lockdown I decided to shave down for fun as I never went out (literally) and I kind of liked it so it didn't bother me. When I regrew though I noticed horrible gulfs/vertex and a lot of thinning in general. I did all the research I could, and decided to go with a HT. I contacted a surgeon in Turkey with good reputation. They said that they can do the gulfs for sure and potentially the vertex. Obviously they only saw pictures, but they seem honest on what is doable and don't want to tell me a number of grefts without being there first. Yet I can't help but feel anxious about it. I feel like the donor zone isn't great, and I'm afraid that if I go with the transplant and it doesn't work well (for whatever reason) then I won't be able to totally shave, I saw many white dots on donor zones (FUE) (back shot after a month of growth since full shave) So I have two questions 1- do you think it's not too bad of a situation to attempt a HT? I know you people aren't surgeons but you can have experience crawling on this forum ^^ 2- will FUE leave white dots that even a clean (razor) shave can't hide?
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