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Kennith Noisewater

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Everything posted by Kennith Noisewater

  1. It's been about 9 months since I took that picture and my hair is alot worse now. It's receded back about an inch and its really flat and thin looking now. My father told me not to worry about it and he was wrong. Then he told me i had to shave my head and I did. There was no difference so i grew it out again then he said I had to cut my hair again and i did still no difference in thickness Once again the thinning is still getting worse So any rumors that cutting your hair will help it grow back are completely false. Anyway the point of me posting again was I wanted to know if anyone has actually gotten any significant results from proscar before I spend alot of money it I want to know it it works at all because I've been reading about it and for some people it takes up to 2 years to work if it even works at all.
  2. what were your results with proscar? Did your hair actually grow back or at least stop thinning? sorry about posting at random times it's because I try to ignore the hairloss for a month then it gets worse so i come back
  3. I've been reading about proscar and one of the possible side effects is impotence. I'm pretty scared about that. What are some of you're experiences with the side effects of proscar?
  4. That is f'n awesome news. Whats a reliable place to buy proscar?
  5. Thanks guys. Especially you SERIOUS you've been a big help. Unfortunately I cant afford to buy both the pills and the rogaine. It sucks that I have to pay so much just to keep my hair. Something most people don't even have to think about till they're they're late 30s or so.
  6. Yes. My father started losing his hair at around the same age as me. I first had a receding hairline. No "natural remedies" were working so I decided to finally try rogaine and after 4 months or so the hair in front started to grow back. But now that my hairline is starting to come back I'm losing hair in the middle which is extremely frustrating. I'm off health care so I cant afford to see a dermatologist and whenever I asked my Doctor or Dermatologist they gave me the stupid "you're gonna be ok" answer. Should I continue use of Rogain and apply it to the new thinning areas? Or should I use something else as well or instead?
  7. I'm 19 years old and I noticed some hair loss I told my dad about it but he insist I'm crazy. I know my hairs thinning but I need to know how bad it is? thanks
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