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Everything posted by Low

  1. As what I read on telogen effluvium is that it can be triggered by a bunch of things and that it can go for up to three years. From some of the events that can cause this, I noticed a few imparticular that may have triggered this for me. One was weight loss or unusual diet, as well as hormonal changes in the body. Since I'm still a growing individual, the hormonal changes makes sense. Also, I guess that I need to start eating better and more protien, because my diet has always been poor in years past. I'm hoping this is a temporary deal as opposed to the beginning of MPB. Going to get some protien shakes, haha. Thanks for all the advice and comments so far. It is appreciated.
  2. No, I am not on any medications that could be causing this. I have begun using Rogaine about six months ago, and I mean it looks okay, but it's nothing like the thickness of my fellow peers. I think that seeing a dermatologist, as you mentioned, is my only next best option.
  3. A lot of people that I've been around, have been noticing that my hair is thin. Take in mind that I am 16 and is "supposed" to have lots of hair at this age. Not any of my family members have ever experienced hair loss this early. So, recognizing this is awfully degrading, and I would like to know what is going on? I'm assuming this is not normal.
  4. A lot of people that I've been around, have been noticing that my hair is thin. Take in mind that I am 16 and is "supposed" to have lots of hair at this age. Not any of my family members have ever experienced hair loss this early. So, recognizing this is awfully degrading, and I would like to know what is going on? I'm assuming this is not normal.
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