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Everything posted by TeeJay1

  1. @FUT4000sure man - was circa $22k @5BetaReductase- thanks man. And agree. Dr Konior and his team are just a different class
  2. @HelpfulFriend- Cheers dude Ah amazing! Congrats! He's an absolute legend - You're gona have a brilliant experience
  3. Oh and to answer your final question @Buck Naked - In all honesty I have no idea. Will try and find out!
  4. @aNewHairHope - Yeah very much so. I think its efficacy has worn off over time but still take it and still very helpful. Oh really? I'll have to take a look at your thread! @Buck Naked - Thank you, appreciate the kind words. Yeah funnily enough I'm just starting on Dut. Once a week, so just replace 1 day of Fin. In terms of minoxidil, I picked up an oral course but decided I'll start with the foam application and see how I get on.
  5. Night of the op Close up pic is 4 days post op
  6. Morning of the op - my pics Dr Konior's pics pre and post headshave
  7. Hi guys Long time reader on these boards whom has benefited greatly from people's past experience so thought I'd give a quick summary of my own hair transplant with Dr Konior, 4 weeks ago. I never write these sort of things but felt compelled to because a) I'd pay a little back to the community that helped me make this decision and b) the experience with Dr Konior and his amazing team was nothing short of world class. Bit of background: 37 years old, on finasteride since 22. Never used minoxidil previously. NW 2-3. Have been doing my research for the last 5 or 6 years. Decided about 2-3 years ago that Dr Konior was my man. So, let's start with the day itself: Arrive at the offices @ 6.30am The wonderful Karen checks you in and takes you through to a waiting room where you meet Alicia for the first time. She has worked with Dr Konior as a technician for many years and is absolutely brilliant. She gave a brief summary of how the day would go before Dr Konior joins proceedings. My first impression of Dr Konior was that he is personally invested in you, your experience and your results. He is nothing short of brilliant. The first couple of hours is spent talking through the procedure and then planning your hairline. This takes a while as Dr Konior adjusts to what you're personally looking for. I went for a pretty conservative approach. Then comes the dreaded headshave. Having not done this for 18 years it comes as a bit of a shock but it's all part of the fun! Headshave done, you pop a couple of valium and get ready for the day itself. Essentially: 9am -12.30pm: Graft Extraction 12.30pm-1.30pm: Lunch 1.30pm - 7pm: Recipient Planting Due to the mixture of jetlag and valium, the day absolutely flew by. I slept through nearly the whole procedure. Pain was minimal. The only painful moments were the numbing of the donor zone in the morning and the numbing of the recipient zone in the afternoon. Be prepared for a bit of discomfort but really after that it's plan sailing. Again, I just want to emphasise this: Dr Konior, Alicia, Karen, Martyna, there are too many people too name, but wow, what an incredible team of people. So kind, so helpful, it was honestly a truly special experience from a group of people at the top of the game. It sounds hyperbolic but it was the best medical experience I've ever received Anyway, the day ends and Dr Konior very kindly gave me a lift back to my hotel. I was pretty groggy so this was hugely appreciated. He's an absolute legend I had the procedure done on the Monday and decided to stick around until Saturday. This meant I popped in each day to get cleaned up. Not only was this a great way to set your mind at rest regarding recovery, infection etc, it also took all the cleaning out of my hands. Obviously after an op like this, your mind is racing: 'am i doing this right?' 'did i knock my head in the night' 'is the swelling abnormal' etc etc etc - I found the daily reassurance to be really really helpful. Alicia, bless her, even came in on Saturday to give me one last look over before I left. Absolute sweetheart. In terms of what to expect over the first 5 days: a bit of discomfort of course but if you take your painkillers religiously you can stop the pain before it arrives. The other thing is swelling. You've just had a big procedure so swelling is to be expected and essentially what happens over the first week is the swelling moves from the top of your head, down your face. I'll obviously attach my pics but the swelling can be quite extreme but all to be expected Anyway, I'm now 1 month in, the transplanted hairs have almost all shed, and so begins the ugly duckling phase. It really doesn't bother me much. The great thing about these boards is that there is so much information out there so you know exactly what is coming. Anyway, time for a few pics. Of course, any questions, please ask
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