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Everything posted by jfally

  1. I really appreciate everyone taking the time to reply. I 100% am committed to the meds being a non-negotiable daily thing. I've been in that mode for the last 6 mos, for full disclosure working toward best advice possible, I felt it right to call myself out in terms of meds-compliance when making this post, first few months I 'forgot' some days and 1 day forgetting turned into 2-3, etc. But yes, meds are a must, only wished I'd committed and stayed regimented to them sooner. I do have realistic expectations and I totally realize my glory-days head of hair, in all it's Frodo flowing gloriousness, are behind me. And that at this point 'thinning' is best case for the crown appearance. That's a huge upgrade from it's current state and with a few well placed fibers I can then shore up even more, so I'm okay with that. I live in Va Beach, VA, if anyone has recommendations for FUE specialists anywhere in this area (say anywhere on the east coast), that'd be great. Eugenix hit me back and their graft estimates are def higher than my local consult here, they seem to do amazing work, the travel logistics + the cost of the travel would bring them basically up level to or even above some places stateside.
  2. I’m in Va Beach. Local consult was at Washington Medical Hair Clinic. Definitely open to suggestions. I’ve reached out to a couple Dr Nader in MX as well as Eugenix in India for remote consults as well.
  3. Thank you! Goals would be as much coverage and density as possible front to back on top. Unlike many, my crown/vertex is what I’m most self-conscious about. Addressing that area is my priority. I’m really trying to get realistic opinions on how many procedures I’m looking at across how many years, which I realize is going to be largely guesses/estimates, but I’ve lurked on this forum for ages and finally decided I’d just put my pics up and ask outright. Melvin your videos and story are a huge source of inspiration for me, your journey has been long and arduous but results are the stuff of dreams.
  4. Looking amazing!!! I think when we see ourselves, we'll forever long for density to be 'more'. I can tell you outside looking in, your hair looks amazing, and density looks FANTASTIC! Then vs now is insane.
  5. Hi there! 35 y/o male, thinning started when I was 31, so about 4 years ago. For the last 2 years I've been taking Finasteride daily, caveat being I'd say I've been 75% faithful to the 'daily' part of it. Minoxodil I'll start, do for a few days, stop, start again a few weeks later, etc. So not ideal/strict usage of either, but MOST of the time, at least Fin has been coming in daily. Clearly, my hair is escaping me. Crown moving forward, hairline running backward. Family history on both sides = grandfathers totally bald or close to it. I'd considered buzzcuts + SMP, but ultimately I don't love the buzzcut look (tho coming to terms with the fact that that may be 'it). At this point, is FUE at all worth it, or is it a super temporary delay to the inevitable and a decade or two from now, I'm left with hair in odd spots, none in others, and a jacked up/depeleted donor area with no options left? I've had one consult locally so far, they recommended FUE with 2200 grafts, 1600 going into crown/vertex, remainder going into temple/hairline area to increase density. I let them know I was almost shocked at how low those #'s were and consultant let me know that 1600 into crown (area I am MOST concerned with) is the max they could comfortably work in and feel confident they'd have most chance at viability, as a higher graft count into that area would mean all of them fighting for a finite amount of blood supply so paying for a bunch of grafts that ultimately wouldn't 'take'. (That's my rough translation anyhow) I was told the goal for crown area would be to go from bald appearance to thinning appearance, but that a full coverage visual just was not possible at least from 1 transplant. Open to honest thoughts, playing this journey as logical as possible and trying to keep emotion out of this whole thing. Thanks in advance for any feedback/advice/thoughts!
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