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Posts posted by tshep

  1. On 1/23/2023 at 11:27 AM, HairFunk said:

    Many large chains change rely on old results posted online to generate interest for fairly inexperience newer technicians. Always check the technicians personal portfolio. 


    The BAHRS in the UK have now listed level 4 qualified technicians who have good portfolios behind them. You could Google 'level 4 BAHRS SMP' and work through the list. 


    Good luck!

    @HairFunk I'm struggling to find that list. I tried to search 'level 4 BAHRS SMP' on Google but I can't see any member list. Could you please give a link or more details to find it?

  2. Thanks a lot to everyone! Your feedback is so bad that I'm almost happy: there's no way I have the money for 4-5000 grafts at the moment, so I can at least stop thinking about HT for a few years 😅

    As for the recommendation of shaving: I've been trimming the hair very short for about 1y a few years ago. It was not too bad, but the problem is that I have a big bump on the side of my crown that is quite visible and pretty ridiculous when I have very short hair. You can kind of see it in the picture below. I don't know how it'd look completely without hair, but I guess pretty bad. Anyway, once I started taking finasteride I had quite a lot of regrowth and so I decided to go back to the barber, and honestly I've been quite a lot happier about my hair ever since (and my gf is as well). So I'd rather stick with a short but not fully buzzed haircut for now.

    ...Which brings me to new questions about alternatives:

    1. Do you think that Minoxidil could improve the situation? And oral Minoxidil would work just as well (provided I manage to get a prescription)?
    2. SMP seems quite nice, but would it make sense for a haircut like mine or you need to buzz completely?
    3. Also, I think SMP would be quite visible from close distance (say, someone standing behind you while you're seated). Is that true?
    4. Do you think it'd be worth having a visit with a HT clinic to ask about these questions? There's a good one in the city I live (it's among the HTN recommended ones).

    Thanks a lot again!


  3. Hi everyone,

    I'm 32 and I've been experiencing (or at least noticing) HL since I was about 22. I've been taking finasteride for about 4 years now, and I think it's done a lot. Unfortunately I have the impression that the HL has gotten worse lately despite finasteride, although to be honest I'm not completely sure about it. I've never tried Minoxidil as my dad said that he tried when he was young and it gave him palpitations and I'd rather not take the risk. Also, I don't find topical medications very appealing.

    In any case, the idea of HT has always been at the back of my mind, and I'm thinking about it more seriously now. The only aspect of my HL that I'd really like to fix is the crown. As long as the hairline doesn't recede further, I'm happy with it as it is. Ideally I'd like to keep the hair relatively short as in the pictures, with little to no styling, but without the "hole" on and around the crown.

    I've attached some photos, I'd like to hear what you guys think and what you suggest! In particular:

    1. Do you think it makes sense to have HT for the crown only?
    2. I've read that HT for the crown is very delicate, especially at my age. Is that true?
    3. How many grafts do you think I might need?
    4. Does my donor area look good?

    Thanks for your help!






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