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Jay Dunman

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Posts posted by Jay Dunman

  1. On 4/12/2024 at 4:40 PM, DrTBarghouthi said:

    Hi guys,

    Just to clarify a couple of things to some respected members of this group:

    1. The Full FUE patient’s wish was to remain anonymous. He shares videos and photos with me and we both are pleased with how his donor looks. Nonetheless, these are photos and videos shared by him and have no scientific basis that I can use as validation or proof. At this stage, we want to provide as much objective evidence as possible. Sharing videos and photos of the full  FUE (even if patient allows) based on patient photos isn’t scientific and could be seen as feeding the hype for monetary reasons and to encourage more patients to do it. He could simply be having great donor healing with or without Verteporfin.

    2. Furthermore, as we are trying to gain more momentum and doctor involvement, I thought that a more detailed trial using better photography and site marking would give us a more scientific approach than the first trial. It also allowed me to increase the doses used without having to cover large areas. 
    3. My current intention is to get scientific trials to go ahead and advance. This takes time and takes on a scientific approach rather than just feeding the hype. If the intention behind this was to raise money only, then the way I’m approaching this would be completely different. In our industry, we make money by attracting patients. I’m currently trying to attract Doctors. 

    Thank you for clarifying. This answered many questions. 

    I know you can't commit to scientific factual statements regarding the full fue patient since he doesn't want to come forward and do proper analysis but did he have any side effects or any unusual complains regarding healing/etc? Or do you think Verteporforin is too safe to cause any side effects at such low doses? 

  2. 17 hours ago, Fox243 said:

    lol people are never happy. A few months ago, people were complaining that a second trial wasn't being done. Now people are complaining that a full FUE wasn't done. People should be extremely grateful for what is being done, and if they want to see more, they need to either volunteer their own scalps or their own money.

    You're talking to the wrong people on this forum lol pretty sure 98% of us would donate our time and money to a doctor willing to use verteporforin on us. Hence the eagerness of most of us. We're desperately waiting for a green light to go do it ourself. But why 2 years to see a micro trial again? This is beyond rationale and like I said, fundraising is a thing whether you want to believe it or not. Having a trial and passing it off as successful can be manipulated into huge sums of money 

  3. 1 hour ago, takuma said:

    If i remember correctly he did do a full fue with verteporfin on a patient last year, i wonder how their results are looking.

    Lol that's my point dude. He DID do it and no follow up or no comments from the patient. If the guy knew to track down Barghouthi for Verteporforin surely he's aware of the rest of us on here. Why no updates? And why no full FUE this time around either? This is starting to make me think this is just a fundraiser project at this point 

  4. I'm confused why Dr. Barghouthi didn't do a full FUE with Verteporforin. You wouldn't even need the fancy equipment to tell if it works at that point. These small area exercises won't really give us a full indication. It's just too hard to micro point to this and that and say officially it works. 

    Many watching surgeons will be skeptical because of this. dr. B mentioned he did a full FUE with verteporforin once before. Why not ask that patient for a follow up to see if he has the typical FUE scars? Worried that it didn't work hence no follow ups. Not likely someone so invested in verteporforin would go to Jordan to get it done fully and then not care to follow up if the results were amazing 

  5. 4 hours ago, Hair Tomorrow said:

    I think it's just as much regrowth as Dr Bargouthi got at the 5 month mark - what doee per CM2 was Dr Bloxham using in the most successful test case here so far?

    I agree, people forget that we were all hopeful thinking when Barghouthi released his month 4 updates. We were all looking at one hair that we didn't know was excised or not. It wasn't until his final months of updates that we saw a noticeable difference between areas. I think FUE is better for Verteporforin. No matter what I think it's easier for verteporforin to regenerate a tiny hole as opposed to an entire line of skin sown together. Also remember that let's say a 2cm in size skin patch is extracted. Even if verteporforin is perfected and you get 100% regeneration on the scar area, you'll be getting regeneration ON THE LEFTOVER SKIN, not the whole thing as with FUE


    So FUE regardless of Bloxhams results is where we should be narrowing our focus. Bloxhams trial however is very important to give us a more clear image of regeneration as the difference is pronounced between treated and untreated. 

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  6. 14 hours ago, Dieter987 said:

    He uses simvastatin topical because verteporfin is currently difficult to obtain. Simvastatin is also a Yap-inhibitor like Verteporfin.

    If Simvastatin is topical wouldn't that be the go to for hair transplants? A simple rub around the head after the extraction portion is done and then get to business with the implants on the recipient area... 


    This whole time I've been thinking if there were any topical formulations of verteporforin. Which drug is general safer? Verteporforin has an excellent safety profile but only in low doses into the eye 

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  7. On 1/16/2024 at 3:22 PM, Der3k7 said:

    Has anyone talked to Hasson and wongs clinic about it? 

    I emailed them about it. They never even responded. I also had a consultation with them with their Toronto rep and they seem super skeptical to do large procedures. They're very good at hairlines but I think all clinics that start making alot of money stop caring about Ambition or progression. They start making so much that they don't really focus on anything but catering to the people who pay. Maybe speaking to Hasson or Wong themselves would be better. Their Toronto rep lacked any Ambition at all for even a procedure past 1500 grafts 

  8. 1 hour ago, Jonathan said:

    This is ridiculous stop begging these doctors for updates, and then giving them hero status once they do something small that can potentially make them millions and millions. Once they see that potential go away so will their updates. We need to try and fund everything ourselves, maybe get a refund from Barghouthi, raise an extra 20-30k and start our own with a surgeon that wouldn’t mind consistently contributing, not only for extra cash from us but seeing the potential of being the first hair transplant dr to use something like verteporfin to try and regrow hair extracted from FUE.

    I've been kind of feeling the same. Like seriously the reasoning is getting out of hand. "Waiting for a machine to be mailed in?" Dude, it doesn't take 5 months for an order to come in. This reminds me of the streamer Jon Zherka who says he'll release his documentary once his computer from Texas comes in the mail. He's been saying that for 8 months lol 

    • Haha 1
  9. On 12/28/2023 at 4:22 PM, Fox243 said:

    Personally, after seeing his 3 month results, I was a bit disappointed, especially compared to Dr. Barghouthi's 3 month results, so I'm not expecting much. Not sure what went wrong, be it that it was an FUT or the procedure in some other way, but I'm more excited for Dr. Barghouthi's upcoming trial.

    Why? Dr. Bloxhams last video showed that the verteporforin wounds were healing similar to Barghouthis trials. Meaning the verte injected wounds were pinker and flatter. I remember Dr. B's updates and around month three we had pinker skin and a few mystery hairs that seemed to be growing but we were unsure of them. I expect Dr. Bloxhams 6, 8 and 12 month results to go along the same path as Dr. Barghouthis. 

    Personally i think Dr. Bloxham might achieve better results than Barghouthis first trial but I think FUT is inferior to FUE in the sense that if Verteporforin achieves 50% regeneration that would still be only like 20% for FUT and no noticeable scar because the skin was completely removed from the root whereas FUE the skin remains as it is and the holes will regenerate. 

    Personally I don't get why Dr. Barghouthi is taking so long for his full FUE. If he needs a patient there's probably 100 people on this forum alone that would fly to Jordan for the procedure and update us willingly with pics weekly

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  10. Guys what do you think is better here? FUT or FUE? Obviously FUE is less aggressive and if verteporforin was perfected then FUE would make FUT obsolete. But for the current situation I'm thinking FUT could be better because it's one line to heal as opposed to 4000 micro holes. Dr. Bloxhams findings are very hopeful. I remember Dr. Barghouthis initial results were similar, the verteporforin skin was pinker and slower to heal and then have us regeneration later on. I'm eager to see Bloxhams 5+ month results. I think we'll see similar progress plus I feel like currently doctors will be more willing to do FUT + verteporforin as opposed to FUE because of the complexities 

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  11. The 0.4 test site looks amazing. Looks untouched. That really got my hopes up for future trials. But @drbargouthi are you sure this is the exact test site? The patient wasn't marked with tattoos so that's been my only concern from this test. The full FUE and Dr. Bloxhams FUT will be more definitive and giving of answers. 


    Also, is Verteporforin totally safe? Has the patients complained of any side effects? I know Verteporforin is a muscle building drug mostly used in people's eyes but I was wondering if it's totally safe and side effect free for use in hair transplant in so many different sites. 

  12. 40 minutes ago, Ganderson said:

    I was in a text thread with the guy who posted that scar revision - he leaves out the bit about how he had a hair transplant into that area beforehand… 

    I’m very pro Vert and excited to where this can take us, but not excited about that guys posts. Don’t fully trust it. 

    He didn't leave that part out. It's assumed since he said 50 hair grafts implanted. But I thought the breakthrough was hair on scar tissue. That is undoable with Verteporforin I assumed? Maybe I'm wrong. I just thought you couldn't implant on scar tissue hence fut scars. That's why I was interested in his success

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