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Everything posted by Diravu

  1. I have pictures. but I don't need to look at them to know my hair right now looks worse than ever. I have harder time styling my hair right now than from before I went on fin. 17 years is insane maintenance. you're extremely lucky to have had fin work for you that long. look at me. not even 2 years and it has stopped working. how old are you? I don't even know how to get dut, they don't give it for hair loss in my country.
  2. I did take pictures, but I don't need to look at them to know I am back to baseline/worse. because I remember my hair looked better 3/4 months ago. and I also remember my hair never looked as bad as it looks right now, even from before starting fin. I didn't have expectations for fin to re-grow my hair, I knew it will most likely just halt my hair loss. but after a year or so, my hair was indeed the same, if not better. because as I stated in my post, I had more volume, or so it seemed. but now after a year and 8 months I've lost all that, and my hair looks worse than it ever was. I am not taking anything other than fin, well I do use keto shampoo 2% twice a week, and have been using it for a long time. I first wanted to only go on fin without any other treatments so I know exactly what works and what doesn't (if u start several at the same time then u wouldn't know which one is it), and since people say full results of fin take around 1 to 2 years, that's what I have been waiting for. regardless, there aren't many other options on the table. I am not gonna get experimental stuff like RU, and I don't want to go on minox because doing it daily is quite a hassle and you have to commit to it for the rest of your life to maintain results- something I'm certain I won't be able to do. plus I don't want the possible side effects of it. regarding the itchiness- it is most likely happening because of the shed, not vice versa. I also had the itchiness before I started fin. and it stopped after.
  3. Hi, could you guys recommend me some of the best hair transplant specialists around the world? (NA, EU, turkey) that specialize in diffused hair loss?
  4. I've been taking finasteride dailty for a year and 8 months now, I've started with 0.5mg daily, for 8 months, then increased it to 0.75m for another 8 months, and finally to 1mg daily about 3 months ago. at around the year (more or less) I noticed (or at least what I thought) that my hair has gotten thicker, I thought fin was working and halted my hair loss, I remember that once even when I was at the barber, he had more volume to work with, he usually keeps my hair somewhat longer (because I'm diffused) and only goes as short as possible before all the diffused thinning shows, but I noticed that about after a year he started to go shorter with the haircut because there was more volume. the problem is that in the last 3 months I've been losing hair like crazy, my scalp started to itch and be sore (comes and goes), which is something I also had before I started fin. at this point currently it's like my hair is back to baseline, or even worse, from before I started fin. it's like it simply stopped working, or perhaps it never worked at all and only slowed down the hair loss for a little bit but not enough. is it common for fin to stop working that quickly? could this be just a temproary shed? although it's been going for 3 months now. I don't know what to do.
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