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Everything posted by ijustbethinkin

  1. Glad I am not the only one who found that recent update very strange. Why hold the trial for 8 months? Whats going to change in 8 months for the patient? Why is the current vial of Verteporfin being saved and the approach 'optimised' for this specific patient in 8 bleedin months, cant it be used for someone else earlier than that?. Im sure they can get another participant earlier than 8 months if he is not a good candidate (hopefully someone who doesnt have a plethora of prior strip scars so we can see how it works on a new scar first before trying more complex procedures with the drug). Hopefully another trial can be started aside from this as 8 months is a long time to wait unnecessarily.
  2. Is there any update on the new patient dosed with Vertoporfin? Has the trial happened?
  3. What is very exciting about the use of FUT for the next trial is that it should provide more concrete evidence that regrowth has occurred as the linear scar would either be present with no hair or there would be hair/no scarring where there should have been a scar, much less of a grey area than testing with FUE as it is more disguised within a larger area. If it is anything like the FUT done in the pig study on verteporfin (one of the closest skin models to human skin), this will be revolutionary. Looking forward to seeing how this works out and best of luck to Dr. Barghouthi and co.
  4. I 100% agree that in an ideal world we can test every use of Vertoporfin, but right now there is only one clinical test lined up and limited testing being done and I think testing it on the recipient area would be a dud(my opinion). You say that "the follicles that regrow in the balding area would not be miniaturised" but I think the opposite i think that if you were to punch out a miniaturised hair it would regrow miniaturised, Vertoporfin blocks scarring it will not make the hair go through cycles of regrowth, only consistent use of DHT blockers will do that, and research that shows wounding aids regrowth suggests stem cells is the cause, idk if Vert would aid in that regard tbh but even if it did you could be just as well off microneedling. This leads me to believe that if you were to punch out a miniturised hair it would not regrow a completely healthy hair follicle, it would just regrow whatever was in the area that you extracted or injured. However punch out healthy DHT resistant follicle and block scarring and one should hopefully regrow.I hope this made sense & hopefully we can eventually test recipient area vert and I can be proven wrong for those who want to use Vert this way.
  5. I've seen a few comments about wounding the recipient area and injecting Vertoportfin in hopes that native hair would grow which doesn't make sense. Verteporfin blocks scarring and we know that DHT is responsible for AGA, what good would it be to wound the recipient area just for it to recover and continue to get attacked by DHT, theoretically it would make little to no difference. (potentially)Unlimited grafts that are DHT-resistant is the dream here. No more hormone-altering or collagen-reducing drugs are needed. I am looking forward to the next test to see if higher dosages are more effective and see how the regrowth percentage can be accurately measured.
  6. I agree its quite off track to see how little interest there is considering the history of the hair loss community getting extremely hype about upcoming drugs and treatments Even the new hyped drug right now Pyralutimide which promises to be as effective as finasteride, finasteride is extremely effective but its not gonna take someone whos NW7 to NW0. Vertoporfin has the potential to offer that and yet I am seeing much more excitement for the latter. Either way there will soon be massive financial incentive for the pioneer doctors that begin using this treatment in their clinic as soon as we get clinical evidence of regrowth so i believe there will be a turning point where its use spreads like wildfire.
  7. Im trying to tame my expectations but I truly think that we are looking at the 'cure' for hair loss here. There was earlier speculation that even if Vertoporfin was able to regrow 25%/50% then it would be essentially a cure but I think that with further testing on volume injected or repeated injections before to find the ideal regrowth procedure that can get up to 70/80 or even 90% regrowth(the case above appeared to have regrown all the hair in the scar removed). I believe Vertoporfin has already proven its regrowth capability through animal and now human studies. Keep in mind that we have a firm understanding on exactly how it regrows hair by blocking scarring pathways. I envision a world soon where 2 or 3 transplants can fix the most severe cases of balding with little damage to the donor thanks to Vertoporfin blocking scarring and allowing new regrowth. Im not sure if other doctors are unaware of Vertoporfin or there unwilling to test it but I really truly hope this reaches mainstream media soon so more doctors can hear about this and hopefully soon begin trialing it in their clinics.
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