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Everything posted by ndksv22

  1. In case anyone needs a translation of his first post, according to deepl.com Hi, I want to bring you my experience of hair transplantation. My case was grade 6, it was two sessions and it was necessary to use follicles from my head and beard totaling 9790 follicles and 15481 strands, I am on the 5th day of recovery and extremely satisfied with the results so far, especially the healing of the beard. Doctor Felipe Pittella is undoubtedly an excellent professional, I am very happy and fulfilled with the transplant!
  2. I disagree about the censoring. If you spend a lot of time on Reddit you should know that real censoring means posts that don't fit the mod's agenda are deleted after 5 minutes. I see a lot of discussions and posts where people state their disagreement with the forum.
  3. I want to start using Finasteride as fast as possible but I know that there is a possibility of side effects. In the first half of December I have a very important event (exam that basically decides my whole future) so I really don't need depressions etc. during that time. Assuming these side effects occur, at which point do they usually begin? Does it take until Finasteride starts working or even faster?
  4. Is this DUPA/ retrograde alopecia? I have to mention that I usually shave my hair to 5 mm and now let it grow for 10 days, maybe it would look different with a "real" haircut.
  5. Just realized that in English it is called Finasteride. But I guess you get what I mean.
  6. I plan on getting a hair transplant in about two or three years. I don‘t want to voluntarily take drugs my whole life but I can imagine trying out Finasterine until surgery. But I wonder how/if that could impact surgery. I’ve read Finasterine can improve the donor area. So this could mean that stopping Finasterine after surgery would not only lead to loss of hair in other areas but also negatively affect the result of the surgery, for example the hairline, right? Meaning I then need it to preserve the result of the hair transplant? And a question that is unrelated to surgeries: Assuming I start taking Finasterine (and it works), discontinue it and then lose the hair that recovered. Could I do it again or does it only work once?
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